"Chicklet453681;c-18142601" wrote:
While I think curved walls could be doable, I don't think windows and doors will be able to be placed on them unless they made a special cruved mesh for each and every single window in the game. The current window meshes are flat (or straight rather), if you would put that on a curved wall then the sides would stick out further due to the fact the wall is curved in and not straight.
Here's a quick example I made with some meshes to simulate current straight windows placed on a curved wall. You can see that on the edges they stick out a great deal further.
I also don't think curtains, paintings, or other wall decor will be able to be placed on them, because again, the back side that fits against the wall on all of these wall items is flat.
Here's a video of how you fit a flat window on a curved wall. Also, if you need a wider window then you adjust it's curvature from the wooden frame. In your example you have window panes on two columns, then you need to adjust the window curvature from the wooden post between the two window columns. Anyway, if it's easier for them to create curved windows from a game development perspective, I will be fine with that.
I think this is how current flat windows would fit on the curved walls. The black line is current flat walls and windows, and if we consider one side of the octagon an in game tile, then we could easily fit all single tile windows there without creating new meshes. If we increase the size of the octagon side to two tiles, we might be able to fit two tile windows and so on.