Young adult stage definitely needs to be extended, especially for sims that wish to pursue a degree. On normal this life stage is ~24 days, but can vary if you start with YA sim. A degree takes a minimum of 3 weeks (21 days) at a boring grind or 4 weeks (28 days) if you take one class less to actually have time to socialise and do Organisation stuff too. That doesn't include the application process at the start either.
Adult is about the same length and should be extended too, as these are the child raising years, especially for sims that got a degree first.
If you try for a baby on your first day of YA in normal life span, then you become an Adult about the same time that Baby becomes a Teen. If you go for a degree first then you become an Elder and possibly die while the child is still only a Teen.
It needs to be balanced better so that sims can get degrees and still live long enough to see their Grandchildren at least as Children, but preferably as Teens too. This reflects life better.