Tonight I was playing with my Sim Elya who is a Goofball. I haven’t played her in a while. I decided to see what would happen if I started playing with full autonomy on. The third action she did after loading into the lot was prank the toilet. I thought, oh ok so I guess we’re really doing this. She pranked it again a few days later. She lives alone so she’s just pranking herself. She has the Renaissance aspiration so I’m just like well I guess it’ll get her handiness up some more since she will fix it every time she does that.
She also went out a lot (the flea market, karaoke night, night on the town to the karaoke bar, ancient ruins, club gathering at a cafe, and the gym across the span of maybe two weeks.) and interacted with a lot of Sims, but I never noticed her using any Mischief interactions.