Forum Discussion

brinedpickle's avatar
6 years ago

Harry Potter/Realm of Magic crossovers

Okay, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who's considered the possibilities of HP related things w/this new pack. I haven't gotten to explore it enough yet to do these things, but I had a few ideas of HP related things and I'd love to hear what others have done/will do.

One thing I'm excited to play with since I have Get Together installed as well, is have "clubs" for the different houses. Each requiring certain traits, etc. I think it could be a lot of fun. So far, I've had my newest sim (created to play around with the new pack) create a "Wizards of the World" club where they can cast spells and play around with the cauldron to gain both spellcaster skill points as well as club perks and it's a lot of fun so far.

I'd love to see what other things folks are doing with the new pack, specifically as it relates to Harry Potter things (since I know lots of folks have been dying to bring Sims together in HP related ways).

EDIT: sorry, this should be in the game pack area, idk how to move it...sorry

2 Replies

  • Just a little heads up about forming clubs involving Spell Casters. Someone said they did that and the members of the clubs kept overcharging and getting killed because they wouldn't stop doing magic.
  • Hm. I haven't had that problem yet, but spell casting isn't the only activity the group does, so maybe that has something to do with it.