7 years ago
Mystery patch feature guesses
Just wanted to see what most people think will be coming with the patch. If I can ill edit the poll and add more options. Oh I can't edit it... Well comment what else you think I forgot to add...
"Pegasys;c-16815662" wrote:
After reading all these comments I have a new theory on what the new feature is. I don't think it's CAW, freed babies, cars, or color wheel. I think it might be a new memories system (not just screenshots like it is now). This is something that would involve gameplay, something that might pop up during livestreams that would have to be edited out; something that could be "played" around with and something that involves a change in the UI. It's something that some might see as "small but fun" or even "meh" (as many people ignored the whole memories system in Sims 3) but for others something they've been "wanting for a while" (per some tweet by some GC) or even "blow your mind".
I'd be excited about a memories system similar to Sims 2... but I am preparing myself to be disappointed!