"ClassicalSim;c-16791785" wrote:
"luvdasims55;c-16791678" wrote:
"InsaneStar;c-16791662" wrote:
Hmmm... I'm liking this world. It seems smaller, but I wonder there could be a reason why there's less lots in this world. I believe it could be for players who doesn't have powerful PC's. I mean a big city like San Myshuno lags cause of many interactions outside apartments. Bigger worlds does not mean, always better cause there's always a price. Lag. On the other hand... seeing the build-buy stuff videos... I'm surprised about the good stuff in there. Like the illumination fences and stairs. This would update my nightclub that I made in Oasis Springs. And of course, probably a new nightclub what I make in Starlight BLVD.
Ya, i've been wondering if they are keeping the number of lots down to keep the sim population from getting so large that the average simmer's computer won't be able to handle it.
I suspect this is the reason because I saw on Twitter a few months ago someone asked, I think it was either Grant or Graham, about adding blank template worlds/neighborhoods, like we had in TS2, which would give us the ability to add more worlds to our saves. He said that it would be a problem because of the potential number of sims it could add to each save and the problems that too many sims in a save would cause.
this is just another lie they tell people who don't understand coding and gaming. There is no reason at all ever to "save" gamers in this manner. If population is an issue they'll be culled by their system and many of us already stop culling. I have had no limit to my population in my saves for years and I have had hundreds of sims it doesn't hurt the save, the game, or the computer. The game already has systems in place to make sure too many sims don't show up on your screen so this isn't even an issue (and many of us mod that number even higher). Save bloat might be the only real issue and again this isn't something they need to "save" people from because many of us already HAVE hundreds of sims well past their limit without issue. So for regular users who don't use mods or who don't alter these systems then it's a moot point when it gets to be too much the game itself will take care of the issue and for gamers who do we already know the risk we take with our games (and it's not intended gameplay anyways). It's a non issue and they gotta know it. So either their systems don't work or they are just trying to save face because they can't seem to make a world that rivals even the base game.