5 years ago
Sacred Candle Question
Is there a way to keep the sacred candles from burning all the way down? Like we can with the candles that sims make at their candle making station that came in ELS.
"Simmerville;c-17793879" wrote:
Can I ask a quick Q that isn't necessarily related to candles, but I'll make it related, lol :)
Is any spooky activity restricted to night hours? If so, what hours is prime time?
To make it relevant; How many hours will my sleeping sim need protection from those sacred candles, and will each candle burn for those hours?
"DaWaterRat;c-17793903" wrote:"Simmerville;c-17793879" wrote:
Can I ask a quick Q that isn't necessarily related to candles, but I'll make it related, lol :)
Is any spooky activity restricted to night hours? If so, what hours is prime time?
To make it relevant; How many hours will my sleeping sim need protection from those sacred candles, and will each candle burn for those hours?
I wasn't timing it, but they'll last for at least a Sim day, possibly two. And you can extinguish them and relight them to make them last longer too. Unfortunately, extinguishing and relighting isn't a radio action, so your sim will have to go do those things.
Some specter activity can happen at any time, but 9pm to 6am is when most of it goes down, mostly in the midnight to ... I want to say two or three range.
(My spellcaster sim just made it through her first week at Uni. Yes, she had to pop a few Potions of Plentiful needs early on, but by the end of the term, she could even sleep through the night. I even let her once. :wink: )
"DaWaterRat;c-17793967" wrote:
It does occur to me that Sacred Candles may burn down faster if the Spiritual Volatility of a residence is high. The more work they have to do, the faster they burn.
Which is a nice little bit of tuning if true.
I had my sim perform a ceremony at least every other day to keep things peaceful