6 years agoSeasoned Ace
Somewhere, Along the Line I Goofed :O
I was busy, yesterday, recreating my ancestral game save families. I started with the Seviers. I grabbed the copy of John Sevier I created with the Demo, years back. From him I created his parents and five of his siblings, since we're limited to eight Sims in CAS. I could have sworn I made sure to set the relationship between the parents, but I was a little tired by then. Obviously, I did not. How do I know? He has the ability to ask her to be his girlfriend, first kiss, propose … So, six children later, the man is finally making her his wife? :open_mouth:
Unbelievable. Obviously, somewhere along the line, I goofed. :*
Please share those moments when you discovered you forgot a step before your actual gameplay began … I hate to think I'm the only one. LOL
Unbelievable. Obviously, somewhere along the line, I goofed. :*
Please share those moments when you discovered you forgot a step before your actual gameplay began … I hate to think I'm the only one. LOL