I’m not bothered. First if real teens means a height difference then that means a clothing category of their own, which means every time a pack ships the community will be up in arms because now teens along with toddlers and kids have very few outfits or hairs and the _________ pack has nothing for them.
But, teens maybe could be improved a bit. Like instead of us having to manually apply the acne that came in Parenthood it could appear randomly on teens like the spots and tiger stripes do when a sim gets ill. Maybe the mood swings could become a bit more pronounced as well as the reactions to them by other sims. Overall though I do think the Parenthood pack added some good things to make teens seem more teen like, and I feel like I can further that with outfits and styling in CAS, so I personally am not really eager to have the dev team spend a bunch of time and money on it, because I think in the end it will cause more problems than it solves.