Thank you for participating in the test quiz for TS4U.
Things I'll be carrying over to the TS4U courses:
- No trick questions. It's fun to make them, but less fun to take them.
- Students will not be asked to provide a full sheet of answers, just the ones they got wrong (and the resulting score). Less work, but still satisfies my curiosity, and provides data regarding future tests, Simming Tip topics, etc.
- I will not be grading students, as they can adequately grade themselves using the provided key. I'm not an actual teacher, so even if one wants to give themself extra chances/answers, that's not my problem. What matters is one learns/confirms something and has fun doing so.
- Regarding items and language barriers- I've thought about this somewhat extensively, and since nothing has come to mind, I'll hold off on specific item names for now. I'll still use objects in the course, but in a different way.
- If you've any feedback or ideas, let me know, even into the official course's release. Sounds all official, but honestly I just like the pretense.
Anyone is welcomed to take this test quiz, even after this point.
Calm seas and fair winds, until next time.