Perhaps it's how my brain is wired. (Or maybe became disconnected) Games are built to stimulate the mind and bring a chemical change of dopamine while playing to the consumer in order for them to buy more, stayed engaged and interested. It's funny this hasn't actually worked for some players of TS4 or those who didn't even buy TS4 and stuck with TS3.
We know this is scientific fact of how to monetize games people play to keep them as long term consumers. None of this has actually worked on me for TS4, a few times maybe, but rather it has all had the opposite affect on my brain. I'm not actually the consumer they said would go ahead and buy anyway, eventually, no matter what, if it was cheaper, or if they just waited awhile I would eventually get a pack, or if they offered live service it would keep me interested. All that has only annoyed me.
The stimuli to make me want to play this franchise is just no longer there, it's like coming out of some haze (which I haven't been in a haze for many years) and seeing the franchise's direction has actually lost my brain by the company doing and building exactly what they thought would work on the brain to make it stay interested, included and engaged.
Whether that is because I am generations older than their targeted audience or if I'm some how annoyed by statements such as I would buy anyway, or how somehow not a good person if I say things about things I didn't like about this game, that fester in the back of my head, somehow Maxis has managed to turn me off their games completely. And though the older games are better, (to me) some things done and said these past five years have left a bad taste in my mouth and I don't even want to load those, either.
Then sets in boredom with nothing new to peak interest enough to make me buy something nor want it since I don't see the stimuli of it anymore, and that's not on me, but the company when it makes decissions about safe spaces rather than gaming mechanics, and or tells it's fanbase they have to be better people, and or called names by company reps, for voicing how they feel about something, has actually made some wake up and see the game isn't the game but the people playing it, and that is just boring and a bit much.