"greydonn;c-17907573" wrote:
"Simmingal;c-17906918" wrote:
"greydonn;c-17906797" wrote:
Wait, I don't understand what the problem is. If you order before a specific time, you get three free items. Would you rather the items not be given out at all?
Besides, it's coming out in July if I remember correctly, and the end date for ordering is September, over a month away.
the problem is that it makes customer think they have to buy the pack now and its not choice of " when you have money you can add items you want"
and that the items will not be available after that time period so say if you started playing sims 4 later, didnt notice the new ep dropping or you couldnt afford the ep right when it released you can't have those items ever
so what is the point of making the so called "bonus content" when truth is way less people will be able to play these now
and why couldn't those just be in pack itself just like other stuff cause well they surely made them within the pack budget lmao
basically its same as if they had just taken idk the rugs out of new decorator pack and said people cant ever have those if they don't buy the pack right now
thats just some really stupid nonsense only brought to you by ea being money hungry
also you cant really say the items are given away. youd still have to spend 40e on the pack to have it. its not free.
also do i personally want to buy this pack when it releases? most likely. but also now that they put that bonus content nonsense thing there honestly i dont want to encourage it so i might as well not buy it full price out of spite.
= pack seems good but I'm very tired of marketing making everything awful like i know its their job but really
Heck, maybe I'm just from a different universe, but personally the way I see it is: Option A: If you buy this pack within this time, you get three free items in addition to your paid content. or Option B: The free stuff just doesn't exist.
I really don't think it's as bad as you're making it out to be. It's not like it's something special locked behind a buy-by-date, like bunnies or something. If they took the bunnies and said "Hey, you're only allowed to have these if you order by a specific time." it'd be an entirely different story!
Also I don't see how it's money hungry, it's going to cost the same amount regardless. The only reason it would cost less is if it went on sale past September, and since the packs seem to be on sale so often, the pack might even be on sale before the end date.
(One more side note and then I have to go: it's not "right now" it's July 22- September 2, if I remember the release date right. That's over a month)
well this time the objects may seem innocent fun but I just don't want to encourage this practice
because to me it makes no freaking sense to have time limit to an object. regardless of what object it is.
and it also makes no sense to give object only to select few when its digital content.
and it also makes no sense to call it free when its not.
+ one month...
its not nearly enough for someone who didnt have money to buy the pack in first place to magic the money out of thin air.
or someone who wasnt playing the game at the time to notice it exists
or old sims player to jump back to game if they were on hiatus during this
like um nah. it still annoys me.
we dont need "exclusivity" to sims
and we don't need added fear of missing out
things should be available for everyone all the same regardless of when they buy it