When I first started playing the game and lived in the Pancakes' neighbourhood I really disliked her because she would come over all the time without my sims having a relationship with her. Then when they finally did get to know her she became worse. Like, she was over every day at one point. Also, she would stalk my sims almost everywhere and hit on them. One instance that stands out to me was when I took my sim to the gym and as he was on the treadmill she began flirting with him not once, not twice, but three times! He kept rejecting her though since he was already engaged at the time. But I'll never forget that moment because at that time it made me think, "Ah. Now I get why simmers hate this sim so much."
Fast forward to present day and in that same save I rarely see Eliza around because it is overcrowded with hundreds of other sims. Plus I played out the Pancakes a little bit and she was okay... (cheated on Bob though which led to their divorce and poor Iggy was left behind).
At least she's not stalking my sims anymore! ?