"Orchid13;15557797" wrote:
"MasonGamer;15557583" wrote:
"Jestina;15555666" wrote:
I don't agree with witches being a supernatural. Witchcraft and Wicca is something any normal sim should be able to practice. Not like magic Harry Potter garbage...but real witchcraft.
I'm just tired of seeing all the witch tropes in books and movies. I don't know any real witch's that fly around on brooms and wear pointed hats. I wouldn't really classify historical/traditional witchcraft(not Wicca) as a religion since there are various ways that it is practiced.
I agree, to me Harry Potter is garbage. but I do believe Sorcery and magic is a power not every human should have access to, or possess.
The Arcane Ability should be a (Life State) Trait, that manifests itself within a sim. Something one is Born with and is Hereditary, could potentially be dormant unless awoken.
People trashing Harry Potter lol , this is painful to read as a Harry Potter lover! I just wanna say that in Harry Potter there are a normal human being and they can become witches and wizards, like hermione!
I actually think they could get some cool ideas for wizards and witches from Harry Potter. Owls, special wands, witches and wizards that can become animals and stuff like that.
As Much as I hate to admit, I was a fan, but that was eons ago. After the Chamber of Secrets, the magic simply wore off and I lost interest.
When Once Upon a Time, Merlin, Teen Wolf, came into my life everything changed.
Hermione was a different case tho, She was born with the ability, which is possible... two negatives can make a positive.
But I'm talking about allowing an ordinary Human to possess magic, As if magic was a simple skill like Gardening and cooking. Magic has to be in your nature, manifested within your being.
I'm not against wands, I just want them to be more respected. wands shouldn't be the default way of doing magic.
Wands are suppose to be tools, to focus magic and help the Sorcerer cast those powerful spells, such as Time Travel, Necromancy, Realm Jumping, commanding the cosmos, and completely changing their environment. These couldn't cast on their own without draining all their Energy.
and Optionally if the Player wants to, use a wand to cast all spells. they can do that... but I believe even that comes with a Price... You'll be weakening yourself in a sense, if you become more accustomed to using a wand, You're magic will be noticeably weaker if you suddenly decide to stop using the wand.
I do want full animal transformations though, Instead of Sims in Frog Costumes, that Toadification Spell was so cheap. How about a real toad, a fish, a Mouse, and if you have Pets you can turn sims into cats and dogs. Glamour Spells, to look like other sims in disguise.
Also Life State transformation spells, I think Making Potions to swap life States is too Easy.