Forum Discussion

BabyBunBunOfDoo's avatar
6 years ago

Working on what could somewhat be a guide for story mode

Edit: I will be using this to update/add information. If I did it right you should be able to see it without needing a Google account.
Edit 2: A lot of progress has been made and my brain feels very fried.
Edit 3: I have some guesses for what option goes to what. The idea I am going by is that each pack stays with itself and the base game stuff. It is after that I will look for DLC stuff in the Base Game questions and DLC based stuff in other DLCs questions. Some of the guesses are out there but I am going to test them out.
I will also work on formatting. I plan on opening another document to fix the formatting and hopefully make it easier to read and copy that over to the doc linked here.

I'm trying to figure out how to get things that I want like starting skill, career, sim type, etc in the story mode so I can have the sim I want but with the job, starting funds, and skills added on. As I learn more I will edit it in and work on formatting and sorting by what the questions give.

Edit 4:
Copy and Pasted from a new topic:

I originally worked on a "guide" just for personal use and then had a thought that since I was typing it up any way I might as well share it.

I wish I knew exactly what options you would have to choose to get what aspiration, trait, skill, etc that you want. Since I didn't, for now, I have listed traits, aspirations, skills, and careers. Below all of that are the questions that appear in the quiz. You may be able to look through the questions and choose the ones that you think will work best. I decided against listing what I think they went towards since I knew I could be wrong. Maybe one day I will be able to add that in.


- How to get an occult sim is there
- Estimated Starting funds for careers
- Tips that worked for me

As is I hope it is somehow useful to you all.

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