Forum Discussion

SimsLovinLycan's avatar
3 years ago

Any Tutorials on Making Perma-Cheat Mods?

I was looking for a way to fix the female werewolf body situation by replacing the default body presets with the female body presets. While searching, I stumbled upon this video by Trans Simmer that highlights a cheat that unlocks breasts for sims that don't have them by default. I checked to see if it works on female werewolves, and to my elation it does...but now, I want to automate that function.

So, do any of you know any good tutorials on how to make a mod that turns a cheat on automatically? And, if possible, one that can specifically target only sims with certain attributes, like a "traits_Breasts_ForceOn werewolf_female AlwaysTrue" kind of thing? (Sorry if the syntax isn't right, I know some JavaScript but I'm still super-amateur at programming...And, yes, I plan to share my mod with everyone when it's done.)
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