5 years ago
Couple of questions regarding Slice of Life
Firstly, mod is awesome, does so much to add life into the game.
I do however, have a few questions about it that I hadn't been able to find definitive answers for:
1. The autonomy that comes with personalities, does that still fire if you have your options set to disable autonomy for selected Sim? I've had multiple instances in my game recently where my Sim goes off to do something, sometimes even abandoning their current task to do so - even though I have the option to disable autonomy on the selected Sim. I've gone through my mods and came to the conclusion it was probably SoL, although I haven't confirmed it yet.
2. Insecurities over body type. I've had two very slim and fit Sims get upset over being "chubby". Do all Sims regard themselves as this body type by default? I've seen both screenshots and vids of Sims worrying over being different types for but for some reason, MY Sims (ones that exercise regularly and look very thin) think they're the chubby body type. Is this normal behaviour?
I do however, have a few questions about it that I hadn't been able to find definitive answers for:
1. The autonomy that comes with personalities, does that still fire if you have your options set to disable autonomy for selected Sim? I've had multiple instances in my game recently where my Sim goes off to do something, sometimes even abandoning their current task to do so - even though I have the option to disable autonomy on the selected Sim. I've gone through my mods and came to the conclusion it was probably SoL, although I haven't confirmed it yet.
2. Insecurities over body type. I've had two very slim and fit Sims get upset over being "chubby". Do all Sims regard themselves as this body type by default? I've seen both screenshots and vids of Sims worrying over being different types for but for some reason, MY Sims (ones that exercise regularly and look very thin) think they're the chubby body type. Is this normal behaviour?