Forum Discussion

MGGNinja's avatar
7 years ago

List of best CC makers - UPDATED

They are listed based on Category

Nightcrawler_Sims - Hair (Alpha)

Wingsims - Hair (Alpha)

Anto - Hair (Alpha)

Stealthic - Hair (Alpha)

Simpliciaty - Hair + Clothes (Personal Favourite) (Alpha)

Lumy Sims - Clothes (Alpha)

Colores Ubanos - Clothes (Alpha

Meten - Clothes (Alpha

Pinkzombiecupcakes - Clothes (Alpha + Maxi match)

Margeh-75 - Clothes (Alpha + Maxi match)

Sims4 marigold - Clothes + Shoes + Poses (Alpha)

Nastasya2 - Clothes + Makeup

GoppolsMe - Makeup (Alpha)

Wondymoon - Furniture (Alpha)

Severinka - Furniture (Alpha)

Madlen - Shoes (Alpha)

Beo Creations - Bridal Wear (Gorgeous) (Alpha)

Pralinesims - Lots + Accessories (Alpha)

NataliS - Accessories (Alpha)

S-Club - Makeup + Hair + Accessories + Nails + Eyebrows + Eyelashes (Alpha)

Navigation - Makeup + Clothes + Hair + Accessories (Alpha)

Katverse - Literally everything (Alpha + Maxi match

Kijiko - Literally everything (Alpha + maxi match)

Divadoom - Supernatural Custom Content

Comment the ones I should add! These are based on my research of most popular but this doesn't mean these are the only good ones. Help me extend the list!

27 Replies

  • "Princess_07x;c-16909595" wrote:
    thankyou so much @Bananas_45 :)

    You're welcome.
  • @M_nk for Hallowsims deleted hairs for some of Blahs retextures xo Valentine22 You should add BlahBerryPancake, Also heres the link for hallowsims hairs she posted before she got deleted http s://simfilesh are.n et/folder/13711/ no spaces lmao
  • Some fantastic creators for MM are :
    Luumia-luumiasims. c o m/ccpage {male cc and game mods}
    XLDSims- xldsims.tumblr. c o m/downloads {male cc}
    SimBlob- simblob.tumblr. c o m/tagged/my-cc
    VirtualChem- virtuchem.tumblr. c o m/tagged/*
    LinaCherie- lina-cherie.tumblr. c o m/
    Citrontart- citrontart.tumblr. c o m/tagged/mycc
    holoprite-holosprite.blogspot. c o m/p/retired-custom-content.html
    -> holosprite.tumblr. c o m/
    {she revamped her page this year but shes still making content}
    Simson Rope- simsontherope.tumblr. co m /MyContent
    Simsland- down-in-simsland.tumblr. c o m /tagged/download
    AND the "Peacemaker" of MM content, Plumbob -plumbobteasociety.tumblr. c o m /tagged/ts4cc

    if you search MaxisMatch on tumblr, that's honestly your goldmine

    I use a lot of alpha,

    I absolutely love SAVAGE-SIMS for my more urban gameplay {savage-sims.tumblr. c o m/}

    Peacemakeer is fantastic for clutter and furniture {peacemaker-ic.tumblr. c o m/TS4ObjectDownloads}

    DOT! I love all of her objects! I used to download from her all the time when she made TS3 Objects {thesimsresource. c o m/artists/DOT/}
    LeahLilith and Stelhtic are the Alpha Queens in my opinion
    (Leah-thesimsresource. c o m/members/Leah_Lillith/
    Stelthic-thesimsresource. c o m/members/Stealthic/}

    Nitro_Panic some of the cutest clothes Ive seen {thesimsresource. c o m/members/Nitro_Panic/}
    Blahberry for thos sims who like to acceorize and have peircings! {thesimsresource. c o m/members/Blahberry_Pancake}
    MissFortune for edgy/hipster type fashion {thesimsresource. c o m/members/MissFortune/}

    PralineSims for makeup,eyes and builds {thesimsresource. c o m/artists/Pralinesims/}

    PinkZombieCupcake for clothes especially for toddlers {thesimsresource. c o m /members/Pinkzombiecupcakes}

    Remus Siron Eyes and Lipstick {thesimsresource. c o m/members/RemusSirion/}

    helsoseira for clothes {thesimsresource. c o m/members/Helsoseira/}
    ShakeProdcution for Clothes {thesimsresource.c o m/artists/ShakeProductions}
    ScreamingMustard for makeup and eyes, she has a few clothes that are cute {thesimsresource. c o m /artists/Screaming_Mustard}

    so much more but I figured I got a Bit carried away lol

    I cant post links yet so I had to mess up the urls a bit..sorry >_<
  • Wow, amazing list! I'm def gonna add some of these people to my resources list. Here is my personal list that has a few creators that you haven't yet shared.
  • My favorite for MM hair, she is fantastic!

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