If you've updated things that you knew needed updating, the next thing to do is to test everything else via 50-50 on your Mods folder. This means organizing the files there into bite-size batches (with any files they require, like XML Injector or a Core Library mod or mesh) and testing one batch at a time. For each test, delete the file called localthumbcache, then put only that batch in Mods. If your game behaves as you expect, set that batch aside as "cleared" and delete localthumbcache again. If it doesn't behave as you expect, take out half the batch and see if you're closer to finding the culprit. Remember to delete localthumbcache each time. You'll find some 50-50 method tutorials online too. Once you isolate the file, you can go find out if there's an updated version you'd missed. Checking installation methods helps too.