Relationship problem
Hey all! I have a minor issue with my Sims. They have been a couple since being teenagers, and one of them aged earlier than the other. After becoming young adults they moved out from their families together. I only just now noticed that their relationship is not boyfriend and girlfriend but just household members. There is no other option for them but to propose to each other; if asked if they're single, they say they are (despite their past and high relationship level). I do not want to propose, I am honestly waiting for the Weddings pack hahah. I tried to do it in the CAS mode, but I can only change to fiancé or husband/wife, not bf/gf.
So any ideas? 😅 I can just play like this of course, but thought if someone knows a trick, I'd prefer them to be an actual couple.
Try using the "Ask to be friends" friendly option. That will remove all the romantic status as well as gf/bf tags to where they are just friends again as that option does not affect the friendship bar. Then build the romantic relationship again to see if that brings back the "Ask to be gf/bf" option. Don't save over your existing save . If you need to save, just do a Save As to create a separate save for testing until you know if it works or not. If it does, then you're good and should see the "Propose" option again. Then use that save to continue on. If it doesn't, you won't lose anything but some time testing it and can go back to your existing save.
Hope this helps.