Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
9 years ago


- I definitely DON'T know if it is just me. But I've recently purchased the NEW Sims™ 4 Dine Out GamePack. I love everything about it so far, but that was UNTIL I've put a restaurant down from the library. I have two Sims that are currently in a relationship. So I've made both of them go out to eat for a romantic evening. The FIRST thing I did was click on the "Host Station" so that I can "Request Table". I did this action with the male Sim ( boyfriend ) and he gladly got his table and sat down. But I wanted his ( girlfriend ) to sit with him . SHE COULDN'T BECAUSE I CLICKED THE TABLE AND IT SAID THAT IT WAS OCCUPIED BY ANOTHER SIM. So apparently, while playing the Sims™ 4 Dine Out, you can't even ENJOY a meal with your loved one. You have to sit at two SEPERATE TABLES. Which I find annoying. I've cleaned my Origin Cache, I've also uninstalled my base game, and my packs and reinstalled it TWO times already. I don't have mods. Can someone please address this issue?! I think we need a new GAME PATCH for this bug.
  • julesbbsea17's avatar
    6 years ago


    Ok I'm having the same issue. I have no mods or CC's. When my sim is invited to a restaurant by a friend (outside the home) they cannot request a table, it just keeps cancelling the action or they wave and nothing happens. The Sim they're with seems to get seated first and then they can request a table successfully. But I just had a married couple go on a date together to a restaurant and neither could request a table. The host stand isn't surrounded by anything at all, I even had one sim introduce herself to the host and chat with him a bit in hopes that would help but nothing changed. Seriously frustrating.

    Update: Hey I fixed my issue. It was something I've not seen on any other discussion boards about this problem... The stupid lights hung too low. I had those big square lights and noticed how low they appear to hang in the bar area and I also have one over the host station. I removed the lights and replaced them with something much smaller and suddenly I had zero issues requesting tables. The stupid lights. Oy vey 🤦😄

    (Post merged by CM)

10 Replies

  • I'm in the same boat, when i try and request a table at any restaurant it won't seat me. My Sim just waves confused.I removed every mod and tried it, the same problem. This is depressing, i really wanted to enjoy this aspect of the game.

  • julesbbsea17's avatar
    6 years ago


    Ok I'm having the same issue. I have no mods or CC's. When my sim is invited to a restaurant by a friend (outside the home) they cannot request a table, it just keeps cancelling the action or they wave and nothing happens. The Sim they're with seems to get seated first and then they can request a table successfully. But I just had a married couple go on a date together to a restaurant and neither could request a table. The host stand isn't surrounded by anything at all, I even had one sim introduce herself to the host and chat with him a bit in hopes that would help but nothing changed. Seriously frustrating.

    Update: Hey I fixed my issue. It was something I've not seen on any other discussion boards about this problem... The stupid lights hung too low. I had those big square lights and noticed how low they appear to hang in the bar area and I also have one over the host station. I removed the lights and replaced them with something much smaller and suddenly I had zero issues requesting tables. The stupid lights. Oy vey 🤦😄

    (Post merged by CM)

  • EA_Lanna's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    5 years ago

    Hi @emiylmange 

    Another member posted in this thread and shared what worked for them:

    @julesbbsea17 wrote:

    Update: Hey I fixed my issue. It was something I've not seen on any other discussion boards about this problem... The stupid lights hung too low. I had those big square lights and noticed how low they appear to hang in the bar area and I also have one over the host station. I removed the lights and replaced them with something much smaller and suddenly I had zero issues requesting tables. The stupid lights. Oy vey 🤦😄

    Please give that a go. We'll close this thread in the meantime as it was last active a year + ago. If the advise helped please add some XP to the post that shared the information. If it didn't, feel free to open a new/current thread to continue the discussion. 

    - EA_Lanna

  • WeirdAlex116's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    7 hours ago

    6 years later, & you just saved my night. thank you fellow simmer ♡ 

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