9 years agoSims 4: Error code 801
When I tried to join my Sim to go to the Scientist Career, it show "Cannot load the game. Error code 801: Please restart the game".
I tired to restart, uninstall and reinstall, delete the file:...
Hi, I started a new sims and a new save, but still cannot join the new sims to go to the Scientist Career. Let me try to reinstall again.
Could you post a screenie of the message ?
Try resetting your user files as described in the factory reset described in this post:
You won't loose anything. Just make sure to not delete any files and make a backup.
Try on a new game with nothing added back first (start new game). If it works, put back your save game and try again. If it still works, you can start putting stuff back.
The rest does not need putting back, cause they are mostly cache files that recreate or log files that are not needed for the game.
Hi, this time I deleted the origin and reinstall all the things again (because I can't log-in to origin when I try to use your method).
I started a new game and it works, I can join my Sims to go to the Scientist Career.
Then I tried to move my save back, the error code shown up again; I load the save that success before, it still works. So I think my old save was broken or have some other problem, I will try those older save I backup before to see if any one still works., otherwise I think I have to start a new family with a new Scientist Career or keep the current family and change to another Career.
Thank you very much for your help.