5 years ago
Sims 4 glitches 2021
Hello! I am having a lot of struggles with my game at the moment! - My sims 4 body sliders aren't working, there are only 3 of the sims 4 body presets available and my curvier sims are now more on ...
Try resetting your user files as described in the factory reset described in this post: http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4/FAQ-Troubleshooting-Steps-amp-Known-Issues/m-p/3621199
You won't loose anything. Just make sure to not delete any files and make a backup.
After renaming, repair your game by right clicking on the game in Origin.
Try on a new game with nothing added back first (start new game). If it works, put back your save game and try again. If it still works, you can start putting stuff back.
The rest does not need putting back, cause they are mostly cache files that recreate or log files that are not needed for the game.