Forum Discussion
This is a known problem. Does anyone from developers even read steam forums? The overlay doesn't always work. I reported this to EA support, they refused to help. No one at EA cares and they just blame the user.
The problem:
Steam overlay doesn't work. Which means you can't take screenshots, open overlay to use the chat and your playtime isn't tracked. Actually the last one is funny because you can buy the game, play it for 50 hours and refund because steam will show you've played 0,1 hours.
And please stop blaming your customers. I've played hundreds of games on steam, i also have inquisition, andromeda, titanfall 2, unravel from EA. Overlay works fine. This is the problems with sims 4 only and it's not an isolated issue, a lot of people are having it.
Always close origin before launching the game. Close every origin process. Launch the game, see if overlay works. If not, quit the game or just alt+f4, close everything origin related and launch again. Repeat until overlay starts working. sometime it works from the first time sometime it takes 3-5 times. But overlay never works if you have origin open before launching the game.
When this all started:
I bought sims 4 last year, i think summer or early fall. It worked fine. All this started somewhere towards the end of february or early march.
Please fix this. I believe this is extremely simple to fix for developers. We just need to find out the reason. but if all you do is blame the customers we will never get a fix.
@Kushlewskis No one is blaming the customers. However, when a feature works for most people and doesn't for only a few, the issue clearly has something to do with the affected players' systems. That doesn't mean it's only about their systems, of course, but figuring out what can fix it for these people can point to the underlying cause.
I have no idea whether the Sims 4 developers read the Steam forums. I do know this particular issue has been escalated.
- 4 years ago@puzzlezaddict well the main problem isn't even the overlay, it's a consequence of the problem. The problem is that steam doesn't detect or should i say "hook up" the game while it's running. There's no overlay because steam thinks the game isn't running, it's not tracking playtime, your friends don't see that you're playing sims 4, etc. Thing is that when you hit play on steam it launches origin version only. So yeah, overlay isn't a problem here.
Steam overlay is universal, it works on nearly all games (i think except DOS games), even if you run a non-steam game, so origin exclusive games, GOG, uplay, epic store, etc., any game, overlay is injected automatically when steam registers that a 3D application is running through steam (you can add non-steam games to steam so your friends see you as "name - playing a non steam game". - puzzlezaddict4 years agoHero+
@Kushlewskis Yeah, I got that part, it was earlier in the thread. The point is that whatever the reason the process isn't working, it's only not working on a few players' systems, for whatever reason. Or maybe reasons: another person was having the issue only in a very specific circumstance:
- 4 years ago@puzzlezaddict Nope that doesn't solve anything. I close the game as intended. Only ctrl+f4 if i see it launched with no overlay (to be quicker).
That person also says it worked fine and it all stopped working at around the same time i mentioned. It probably has something to do with origin update or something and how origin communicates with steam. - 4 years ago"No one is blaming the customers. However, when a feature works for most people and doesn't for only a few, the issue clearly has something to do with the affected players' systems."
I'd love to add on to this point that most people don't even want Origin or its overlay in the first place. - 4 years ago
Ok actually this problem is happening not only with sims 4. Inquisition does the same thing sometimes. Probably other EA games too. There's clearly an issue with origin and steam interaction.
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