Forum Discussion
9 years ago
How do you keep motivated?
When attempting a large challenge or a longer story, it might be hard to keep going after a while. When things become repetetive, stale or you just don't feel the story anymore, you might need a few tips on how to keep going.
@Blackrain95 says:
"I fall in love with something about my story in particular. Something that makes it hard to stop thinking about even when I'm struggling to continue or I feel like throwing in the towel. Be it the theme, the characters, a certain scene I want to use later down the road, I always find something and it helps me keep it on my mind. That way, I'm constantly thinking about the story and therefore I'm adding new details, revising old twists, improving the characters, and deepening the plot one step at a time! Motivation is just like the story in that sometimes we have to take baby steps to get where we want to be!"
@Jes2G, a well known SimLit-Writer who has finished an entire 10 gen Legacy with over 400 chapters, elaborates even more on the topic of motivation:
Write a story that is entertaining/moving to you:
Being emotionally invested in your story is helpful because not only will you be motivated to keep it going, but the feelings you feel will be contagious, and your readers will feel the same way.
How can I edit my screenshots?
There are many free programs that can be used to make your screenshots look top notch. Decide for yourself whether you want to invest the time to edit all of your screenshots, but if you do, here are a few options. For all photo editing programs or websites, you can often find detailed tuturials on youtube or through google.
@JoieWilder says:
"I use a free photo editing software called PhotoScape. I’m definitely not the most talented, so I am probably not using it to its full capabilities, but I’m very happy with it. It has a range of filters to create different effects with your screenshots (I particularly use the sepia tone filter for flashbacks, but I have also used the option to decolor pictures so they appear more faded). Another neat trick is editing the backlight of a screenshot. It can make shots in dark rooms easier to see, and also tweak what time of day it appears to be in your story, in the event your screenshot happened in the evening but it was supposed to be earlier. PhotoScape is also great for making story banners – it can even make gifs."
@Blackrain95 says:
"For a free program you can use offline, I recommend GIMP. It has similar tools as Photoshop and very easy to use. It is also fun to play with! It has a variety of filters that allow you do things such a segment your photo, create light glare, add video lines, or even turn it into a mosaic! You can even create gifs! It also has typical editing features such a changing the hue, saturation, or contrast as well as adding borders. If there is a certain way you want to edit your pictures (such as only highlight one color in a B&W picture), using your default search engine to find out how to do so in GIMP almost always brings up easy to follow tutorials to help you."
Other free photo programs/websites are: picmonkey,
How do I make a banner/signature?
To make a banner/signature you can use the same programs that you can use to edit your screenshots. Make sure your signature banner adheres to the rules of this forum and then click the gear wheel at the top right of this forum, next to your username. Select „Preferences“ and then „Signature Preferences“ on the left. Now you will have to upload your banner to an image hosting site and copy the IMG-Code into your signature window (see above "How to post pictures"). Click save and voila! Your banner will now show up under all of your posts (only on desktop, though, not on mobile devices).
How do I best advertise/promote my story?
When you start a story you will, of course, want people to read it. So how do you best get your story known out there? There are different ways of advertisement for your story, some more likely than others to make people read your work. For example, if you are very pushy about your promotion, only post your links, beg people to read and never participate in other community activities, people will most likely avoid your story. This behaviour is called "Hit and Run Link Dropping" and in most threads it is viewed as rude (the exceptions I know of are the Sims Storyteller Group and the Writer's Hangout, here a hit and run is totally acceptable). On the other hand, if you are polite about your promotion and engage in the community, it is most likely that people will read your work! Also, don't get discouraged if you don't see amazing view/like statistics on your story straight away. It takes some time to get your story known out there. Many readers also value consistency and will wait until a few chapters are published before they start reading to make sure you won't abandon your work halfway through (I realize this is somewhat of a vicious circle, but unfortunately, it's something you need to take into account). Just always remember that you are writing for fun and for yourself not only for the likes of your readers. The readers will come if you're having fun - your writing will reflect it! You should also read these tips on advertising from other writers:
@rednenemon says:
"I'm generally open to any kind of advertising/promoting. Usually, though, I'd opt for putting a link/banner up in a forum signature, and the occasional link posting. There's also commenting on other's stories, to have yourself be known a bit better in the community."
@CathyTea says:
"Read other writers' stories and leave thoughtful comments on the stories you really enjoy! Often, those whose stories you especially enjoy will also like your stories, so when you take the time to read their work and comment on it at their blog, they will often follow you back and read your work, too.
Becoming involved in the SimLit community is another great way to find readers. Simbook (, Twitter, Tumblr, and the EA Forums are places where SimLit writers gather. We often host community events, such as the Book Club, the Short Story Contest, and celebrations of completed stories: joining these activities is a great way to get to know other writers who might enjoy reading your work."
(See list of useful threads below for links to book club, the short story contest and the celebration of completed works)
@ra3rei says:
"I only post in the forums occasionally although I am quick to follow those links to my current favorite stories. I'll usually click on a 'new' story as well and then add it to my wordpress reader for later. Banners are also really good promotion. I've stared at someone's banner for days and then finally clicked on it and was not disappointed. The more unique they are they better at drawing me in. What makes your story unique? Of course, you have to remember some folks turn off banners and on mobile, you never see them.
My one advice is to make sure that your links out to your story work on mobile. Sometimes I click on an image that would work just fine on my PC, but when I'm on my phone it just goes to that picture and then you've lost me and I have to remember to go back later to read it."
@Spottydog714 says:
"I'm not one of the best known, so please don't solely use my advice, but, I have a few tips.
Hope that helps!"
(see "Useful and Interesting Thread" below for a link to the Writer's Lounge)
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them in this thread and they - and their answers - will be added to the above list :)
When attempting a large challenge or a longer story, it might be hard to keep going after a while. When things become repetetive, stale or you just don't feel the story anymore, you might need a few tips on how to keep going.
@Blackrain95 says:
"I fall in love with something about my story in particular. Something that makes it hard to stop thinking about even when I'm struggling to continue or I feel like throwing in the towel. Be it the theme, the characters, a certain scene I want to use later down the road, I always find something and it helps me keep it on my mind. That way, I'm constantly thinking about the story and therefore I'm adding new details, revising old twists, improving the characters, and deepening the plot one step at a time! Motivation is just like the story in that sometimes we have to take baby steps to get where we want to be!"
@Jes2G, a well known SimLit-Writer who has finished an entire 10 gen Legacy with over 400 chapters, elaborates even more on the topic of motivation:
Write a story that is entertaining/moving to you:
Being emotionally invested in your story is helpful because not only will you be motivated to keep it going, but the feelings you feel will be contagious, and your readers will feel the same way.
- Stay in control:
It’s ok to ask your readers for their opinion on the story, but the final say should come from you. The moment you begin writing what you think everyone would want to read is the moment you’ve lost control of your story.
- Know your characters:
When you are familiar with a character, they are easy to write for because you know how they should/will respond in any given situation. A character that is difficult to write for is probably the result of one that is not known well enough, and you could begin to lose motivation. - Have fun:
Don’t be afraid to try new things. Writing should be fun and not feel like work. If it feels like work, take a break before you lose the motivation.
How can I edit my screenshots?
There are many free programs that can be used to make your screenshots look top notch. Decide for yourself whether you want to invest the time to edit all of your screenshots, but if you do, here are a few options. For all photo editing programs or websites, you can often find detailed tuturials on youtube or through google.
@JoieWilder says:
"I use a free photo editing software called PhotoScape. I’m definitely not the most talented, so I am probably not using it to its full capabilities, but I’m very happy with it. It has a range of filters to create different effects with your screenshots (I particularly use the sepia tone filter for flashbacks, but I have also used the option to decolor pictures so they appear more faded). Another neat trick is editing the backlight of a screenshot. It can make shots in dark rooms easier to see, and also tweak what time of day it appears to be in your story, in the event your screenshot happened in the evening but it was supposed to be earlier. PhotoScape is also great for making story banners – it can even make gifs."
@Blackrain95 says:
"For a free program you can use offline, I recommend GIMP. It has similar tools as Photoshop and very easy to use. It is also fun to play with! It has a variety of filters that allow you do things such a segment your photo, create light glare, add video lines, or even turn it into a mosaic! You can even create gifs! It also has typical editing features such a changing the hue, saturation, or contrast as well as adding borders. If there is a certain way you want to edit your pictures (such as only highlight one color in a B&W picture), using your default search engine to find out how to do so in GIMP almost always brings up easy to follow tutorials to help you."
Other free photo programs/websites are: picmonkey,
How do I make a banner/signature?
To make a banner/signature you can use the same programs that you can use to edit your screenshots. Make sure your signature banner adheres to the rules of this forum and then click the gear wheel at the top right of this forum, next to your username. Select „Preferences“ and then „Signature Preferences“ on the left. Now you will have to upload your banner to an image hosting site and copy the IMG-Code into your signature window (see above "How to post pictures"). Click save and voila! Your banner will now show up under all of your posts (only on desktop, though, not on mobile devices).
How do I best advertise/promote my story?
When you start a story you will, of course, want people to read it. So how do you best get your story known out there? There are different ways of advertisement for your story, some more likely than others to make people read your work. For example, if you are very pushy about your promotion, only post your links, beg people to read and never participate in other community activities, people will most likely avoid your story. This behaviour is called "Hit and Run Link Dropping" and in most threads it is viewed as rude (the exceptions I know of are the Sims Storyteller Group and the Writer's Hangout, here a hit and run is totally acceptable). On the other hand, if you are polite about your promotion and engage in the community, it is most likely that people will read your work! Also, don't get discouraged if you don't see amazing view/like statistics on your story straight away. It takes some time to get your story known out there. Many readers also value consistency and will wait until a few chapters are published before they start reading to make sure you won't abandon your work halfway through (I realize this is somewhat of a vicious circle, but unfortunately, it's something you need to take into account). Just always remember that you are writing for fun and for yourself not only for the likes of your readers. The readers will come if you're having fun - your writing will reflect it! You should also read these tips on advertising from other writers:
@rednenemon says:
"I'm generally open to any kind of advertising/promoting. Usually, though, I'd opt for putting a link/banner up in a forum signature, and the occasional link posting. There's also commenting on other's stories, to have yourself be known a bit better in the community."
@CathyTea says:
"Read other writers' stories and leave thoughtful comments on the stories you really enjoy! Often, those whose stories you especially enjoy will also like your stories, so when you take the time to read their work and comment on it at their blog, they will often follow you back and read your work, too.
Becoming involved in the SimLit community is another great way to find readers. Simbook (, Twitter, Tumblr, and the EA Forums are places where SimLit writers gather. We often host community events, such as the Book Club, the Short Story Contest, and celebrations of completed stories: joining these activities is a great way to get to know other writers who might enjoy reading your work."
(See list of useful threads below for links to book club, the short story contest and the celebration of completed works)
@ra3rei says:
"I only post in the forums occasionally although I am quick to follow those links to my current favorite stories. I'll usually click on a 'new' story as well and then add it to my wordpress reader for later. Banners are also really good promotion. I've stared at someone's banner for days and then finally clicked on it and was not disappointed. The more unique they are they better at drawing me in. What makes your story unique? Of course, you have to remember some folks turn off banners and on mobile, you never see them.
My one advice is to make sure that your links out to your story work on mobile. Sometimes I click on an image that would work just fine on my PC, but when I'm on my phone it just goes to that picture and then you've lost me and I have to remember to go back later to read it."
@Spottydog714 says:
"I'm not one of the best known, so please don't solely use my advice, but, I have a few tips.
- Join the Writers Lounge, talk and get to know the awesome people and post links to your updates there!
- Make an interesting banner/put a screenshot of your Simlit for your signature with a link so, inevitably, someone will like the look of it and click it.
- If you have a blog, have a thread with your updates here on the forums so people without blog accounts can give you their feedback!
- Read other peoples Simlit that you enjoy, so, as ridiculous as it sounds, people know you exist!
Hope that helps!"
(see "Useful and Interesting Thread" below for a link to the Writer's Lounge)
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them in this thread and they - and their answers - will be added to the above list :)
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