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KRAFTON's inZOI Life Simulation Game vs. Sims 5 (Rene)
Yet another life simulation game in the works. Take a look. Krafton is a South Korean video game publisher behind popular games such as PUBG and Subnautica. They engaged with several Sims content creators to get exclusive access to their new game, inZOI, which has only been in development for 1 year (!!). What do you think? I was immediately struck by the realism of the graphics. Very different from the stylized Sims art. The world is gorgeous. FAQs When will the game come out? The development team is working towards a release date of 'late 2024' What engine was used to build the game? Unreal Engine 5 What platforms will the game be on? It will initially be released on PC and is later expected to be on consoles like the PS5 and Xbox How much will the game cost? Will there be expansion packs? The monetization model is currently undecided, including the plan for expansion packs and DLCs Will the game be multiplayer?* They are currently working on various multiplayer features, such as the ability to meet up with other online players or invite them over to your home *the game is still in development so all answers are subject to change! IGN Gameplay VideoAnonymous49 minutes ago4.8KViews7likes200Commentssims medieval
my game wont let me play for more than 1 hour and 30 mins but my account states I've played a total of 6 hours that is just me trying to play I've uninstalled reinstalled, I've repaired, restarted my computer and I've gone as far as uninstalling my sims 4 and I've even tried deleting any saves and starting over and I get the same results an error code and I've been told that it means I don't have enough space which is not true or I wouldn't be able to play my sims 4 I have all the expansions except 1. I've since uninstalled it since November 29 2024 and I decided to reinstall it and give it another go now it wont load the game at all and I don't even get the error code so I couldn't tell you what it was I've chatted with Ea support and I feel like I just get the run around it hasn't been fixed in almost 3 months I've even tried to ask if they could delete it and send me like a new purchase through the app in case of a purchase glitch in the software I don't know what else to do this is my computer specs maybe someone can make sense of this and actually help me Device name LAPTOP-39FDA4RF Processor 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12650H 2.30 GHz Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.6 GB usable) Device ID deleted for my safety Product ID deleted for my safety System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display Edition Windows 11 Home Version 24H2 Installed on 10/22/2024 OS build 26100.3194 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.48.010Views0likes0Comments- Jayel-17 hours agoSeasoned Ace3.3KViews6likes1082Comments
What Music Are You Listening To Right Now?
This was a long running thread in the Off Topic section of the old Vanilla forums. Many of us were introduced to so many new artists we might never have found otherwise. We were reminded of old favorites we had forgotten too. Music moves the world, this thread is a place to celebrate the most universal art form. EDM, Blues, Punk, Metal, Hip Hop, Soul, if it moves you share it here. Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia2.2KViews10likes338CommentsSims 4 or Sims 5
I have been playing the Sims game since Sims 1 , I've seen the evolution of the game which has come along way. Id love to see it evolve even more where it would become more realistic, bringing vehicles and the capabilities of driving to various locations, such as work, family or friends homes, dinner, grocery store, parks. Something more realistic but will all the new add ons this current game already has.Achase8262 days agoRising Newcomer21Views0likes0CommentsHow do we report Bugs on The Sims & 2 Legacy Collection after 13th Feb patch?
Hi there, I saw that The Sims and The Sims 2 Legacy got a patch 3 today on the 13th of February 2025 which introduced new "bug fixes" and better Error Reporting. However both games are crashing for me in gameplay. Now when the game crashes and I return to the desktop there are no more log files? I see in the program files there is something called crashpad_handler.exe but it isn't doing anything? Crash log files are no longer being produced? If we want to report crash bugs going forward what is the way to do it?lcinsightsie3 days agoRising Scout207Views0likes1CommentWriters' Lounge - For All Games!
My friend @friendsfan367 suggested, " i think it would be cool to have like a writer lounge where new writers like me could chat with old writers like you. opps i meant experinced." So, here we have it! The Writers' Lounge, where new writers can chat with old writers like me! This is a place to talk about all aspects of your writing! Every Simming and writing question is welcome, and everyone is invited to chime in with writerly suggestions, responses, jokes, feedback, gripes, comments, and conundrums. Even though we're located in the Sims 4 area, writers of stories involving all Sims games are welcome! We have people who write stories using Sims 2, Sims 3, and Sims 4 games--and everyone is appreciated and included! You'll find that we're really welcoming, and we're really cool, and this thread is totally awesome. And we have a few common sense guidelines to help keep it that way. (We've learned from experience! :wink: ) Treat each other with kindness, acceptance, appreciation, and respect. Follow the EA Forum Guidelines. Remember that this is a public forum, meaning that anybody anywhere with Internet access can read what you write. If you're a youngster, don't write anything you wouldn't want your mom to read. If you're an adult, don't write anything you wouldn't want your kid or niece or nephew to read. Please don't feel bad if we pop in for gentle reminders if things get really OT or if we start to veer from the forum guidelines. We still love you! I'll keep the coffee and tea pots full--you bring your favorite mug, and let's kick back and chat about writing! Daily Conversations Join us for daily conversations! We've got themed conversations Monday - Sunday. Of course, you can talk about other things, too! But if you're looking for a specific topic, swing by and join us! Writer/Reader Community Threads You might also enjoy these threads: Freezer Bunny Book Club | Short Story Writing Challenges How Do I Get Started Writing? If you have questions about writing SimLit, please see the following guide, written and compiled by @JulyVee94. A Quick Guide to SimLit Directory of Active Members Here's a listing of the blogs/threads of the regulars here. If you'd like to have your blog or thread listed here, please let @friendsfan367 or me (CathyTea) know. I'm kinda busy, so it might take me a little while to get you listed, but I definitely will list your story here, if you request it! And... Happy Reading! :smiley: Note: Some of these stories may contain adult subject matter. Please read at your discretion. Acarb90 - Metro - A City Story | Thirty: Looking to the future... AdamsEve1231 - Kassiopeia Fullbright Story Series | Colt Family Traitacy | From Riverview, With Love | La Vita Bella | Livin' A Simmin' Life | Meanwhile in Another Part of Town | Other Stories | Simblr | Darkness May Dream AkramA - Castellon Legacy aroseinbloom - A Rose In Bloom Sims Arrowleaf - The Landon Legacy BBQPenguinWings Trish - A Penguin's Adventure in Simming BlackUndecimber - Winter's Alchemy Bugsie2016 - Burton Legacy | Life's Lessons | What Are We Really Made Of? |People of the Light Tribe CathyTea - CathyTea's SimLit Anthology cecerose0208 - Dreams & Drama Blog on Wordpress/ CharmingMaruska - Truly Curly's Disney Legacy Chrinnie - The Alvarez Chronicles CitizenErased - Ashes to Ashes | Dust to Dust *Completed | Paranormal Neighborhood cshaner - Simfluence: Where Sims Influence the Story cully_c - Short Stories | Simmillionaire | Wonder Child Darra84 - My Incredible Adventure in the Sims 4 World DeafSimmer - Deafsimmer's Sims 4 Stories DeiraShadeweaver - The Shadowden (Tumblr) | Deira Plays Sims (Wordpress) divanthesimmer - Divan, the Simmer's SimLit Blog Dollyllama108 - Catastrophe Theory EiraRose - Song of the Nightingale eXokamikaze - ninjapigsims fabtiffsim - The Ojas Tribe Faoiltearna - Faoiltearna Sims Firande - Black Sheep friendsfan367 - friendsfan36 gameplay9098 - Nerdsimmer's Blog GhostlyPix - Keep Moving Forward iheartdinosx3 - The Belle Legacy ilovebunnys65 - The Watergates InfraGreen - No Stars Over Uptown JellySimwich - Life Is Jes2G - Jes2G Stories JoieWilder - The Thoreau Legacy | Building Us and The More the Wilder JulyVee - Julyvee's Sims Stories | Vee is for Vortex Karilan - Living with Grace Katrinasforest - Clanbuilding for Dummies Kurdaneva - The Red Hourglass | The Dark Tale of C.hana Hale Laura_Jones - The Candle Lit Chronicles LegacySims2017 - Legacy Sims lisabee2 - Simsational lone_cat - Lost in a Magic Realm LostInReverie - From the Hart lovesstorms - Lovesstorms Stories Lynwood - Gieke Legacy | Wishing Upon a Star 2.0 | Operation: Pollinate Newcrest! LyricSimz15 - Eclipse's Simlit Stories Madame Lee - Charming Disney Legacy | Disney Sims Neighborhood Maladi777 - The Heffner Legacy MamaSimMacho - As the Plumbob Turns mamasquirrel - Simetics Simedy mastressalita - Sim Stories MedleyMisty - In the Valley of the Sun Meggles - MeggSims MonaSolstraale - A Turtle's Journey | Tusnelda and Trix MrsRacooney - Daughters of the Warrioress MunterBacon - Ironbound and My Life as a Zombie Nerdfashion - Tales of My Sims OJenn - Memoir Me | Memoir Me Thread orangeplumbob - Second Chances peatock - Velasco Legacy Pegasus - makplays PinotGrigio - Sims and Wine - The Circle PitlordMaggie - Greenwood Estate pronterus - Undead with Benefits ra3rei - Raerei's Fortress Rainydayz179 - Stormy Dayz Gamez rednenemom - The Racket-Rotter Chronicles RipuAncestor - The Fey of Life RoryGilmore34 - Legacies of the Sims RosemaryMariee - Noble Doubt and Other Stories Shadami - Adventures through SimLit Shadyboop - Beast SimmerSteffie - Priest Legacy simscognito - Friends of Foes Simslover163 - Sims Nation, Sims World, All Things Sims Sonniejj - Fiore Legacy Challenge Sourocha - The Life of the Majolentes squirrelwithacup - Nightshade StoriedStorm - The Family Black SunnyShay - Hella Good | Love Shot SummerFalls - SummerFalls Stories supernatural103 - Isaac Sisters swcheppes - Sim-ply Awesome sweetnightingale - Forever In Time | Another World | Colors of Loving | As Tears Go By | Sweet Nightingale's Sims | SimLit Legacies by Sharon TaraIris94 - Bachelorette Legacy TheAemaSimming - McGinnis Legacy TheMummyof4 - Vicarious Living ThePlumbob - The Bloomer Legacy TheYayToast - Rainbow Sundae Thymeless - Can You Hear the Violins? | Centauri Legacy Twiggy - Twiggy's Sims Adventures UniquePuggle - Wallingsford Historical Legacy VanityHigh - VanityHigh Sim Stories Wasting_Night - SimSacious Magazine xMike_BX - Murder Valley Sims Birthday Registry If your name is not on this list, and you'd like to be included (so that you can sample some of SummerFalls' awesome happiness birthday cupcakes on YOUR birthday), please PM CathyTea January 26th - Jes2G January 27th - eXokamikaze February 4th - The Sims! Februay 20th - Sourocha March 5th - Munterbacon March 12th - Swcheppes March 21st - ra3rei March 22nd - aroseinbloom April 17th - Pinmat135 April 18th - TheAemaSimming April 19th - InfraGreen April 23rd - Maladi777 April 26th - rednenemon May 12th - Pegasus143 May 19th -Karilan June 20th - madamelee June 27th - Bugsie2016 June 29th - SimsLover163 July 3rd - ilovebunnys65 July 7th - kurdaneva July 23rd - CathyTea July 26th - Shadami August 15th - For_Eorzea August 17th - friendsfan367 August 23rd - ny275 August 29th - Lisabee2 September 1 - PitlordMaggie September 14th - Shadyboop September 16th - Pronterus and divanthesimmer September 19th - lovesstorms September 28th - VanityHigh Sept 29th - Anua92 October 2nd - SilverDaybreak October 25th - DebraF63 October 26th - Meggles November 4th - LegacySims2017 November 10th - Simscognito November 26th - Faoiltearna November 29th - SimTresa December 9th - AdamsEve1231 December 15th - LyricSimz15 December 17th - StoriedStorm, MedleyMisty, and Acarb90 December 22nd - nerdfashion December 29th - BlackUndecimberCathyTea3 days agoLegend1.6MViews2likes135773CommentsWhy do we keep falling for it?
I've been playing the Sims since the beginning. Every new release, from new expansion packs and kits, to the new release of the Sims 1 and 2, comes with more and more problems. I didn't have the problems with the original Sims 1 that I've had in just the few hours I've played the new Sims 1 release. Crashes, sure. Frequent saving was always a necessity. But it is unplayable. And not eligible for a refund despite its unplaybility. Could I find a fix to make it playable? Maybe. Should I have to? I don't think so. Will they come out with a patch eventually that will fix it? Maybe. But I assumed I was paying for a game that I could play now. Not eventually, maybe. Why do we all keep falling for it? Every little crumb of improvement, new/more swatches, free stuff that we only get if we play the game <that's all the playing I do these days, and don't hate, it's a good strategy, but the games are unplayable), gives us hope that it will be better this time. It never is. We keep giving EA money and EA keeps giving us unplayable games. I was glad to hear #5 was scrapped to focus on improving #4. And 1 and 2 was a super fun nostalgic surprise that I fell for. But they are all still unplayable. How much do we all have to pay to get what we've already paid for to be playable?justDawn0693 days agoSeasoned Rookie192Views5likes3CommentsPatch 12/13.02.2025 The Sims 1 and The Sims 2
Bravo EA Games! So you took a lot of money from us and gave us two completely unplayable games. The Sims 1 turns off after a few seconds of entering a family. And in The Sims 2, after entering a family, only the shopping and building mode works. You can't play characters. BRAVO! Can you give us our money back already? This is some kind of joke.katalevitz4 days agoSeasoned Novice107Views1like0CommentsSims 1 and 2 rerelease on Mac?
Why couldn’t they have released Sims 1 and 2 for Mac users? And are they planning to at all? That’s so unfair :(Solvedsadiecollins135 days agoSeasoned Newcomer9.1KViews45likes32CommentsI own original Sims 1 & Sims 2, why do I have to buy it again?
I already own the original Sims 1 & Sims 2 plus most of the packs for them. Why do I have to buy it again to play it on my windows 11 computer? If I've already bought them then why aren't the new versions free?Kdvb16 days agoSeasoned Rookie565Views4likes10CommentsMedieval Problems..
Items are becoming stuck on my sims hands, and a wedding quest has now glitched to where the needed items are not in the village shop. I have tried repairing my game, but it did not work. Please send patch update! Thank youFreakySimChick6 days agoSeasoned Novice34Views0likes0CommentsAre the Legacy Collections being updated on the EA app?
I wanted to buy the 25th Collection on the EA app since I have all my Sims 4 stuff there. On Steam, I can see the patch updates and before I buy, I want to ensure that the games are also being updated on the EA app.Solvedd67d58cb3a6eb8127 days agoNewcomer269Views0likes1CommentThe Sims Castaway Stories remastered
Hello!🖤 I played the sims since the The Sims came out to The Sims 4, i really loved every single game and packs and everything (i bought all of them haha). But my favorite is The Sims Castaway Stories, and i know a lot of people who love or just know or really hate the sims but every one played with the castaway stories even on pc or on ps2. If you guys would do a remastered edition of The Sims Castaway Stories with the Sims 4 grapich but the same gameplay and story and with the same game interaction or more new ones with the old ones on pc/mac and consoles. Im 100% sure that would be bestseller and that would satisfy almost everyone. So my question is do you guys plan this in the future or there is a possibility for this? Because that would be a dream come true. Thank you in advance for your answers and have a nice day!🖤1.2KViews1like4Commentstransferring Sims Castaway Stories features to Legacy Collection (not really)
that's interesting, will they add stuff that Sims CS has?? for example, detailed lot skirts (like in the screenshots made in lot), medium-sized hoods and lots, need solving hotkeys, swimming in ponds and oceans, profile save system, reflective water, etc... omg i suppose it would improve the game so much and that would really worth money...44Views0likes0CommentsMy perfect Sims 5
Over the past years the Sims has been around there have been concepts that Maxis & EA have gotten right and instances they got it very, very wrong. So this post is about examples of things I would love from past iterations of the Sims (and a few ideas for improvements) to be in the Sims 5. I had to separate and add in the comments suggested Gardening plants as well as Cooking & Baking recipes. I have also added things id like to see for sims 5 that aren't apart of any game so far. THIS IS A LONG MULTI-COMMENT POST. SCROLL THROUGH AND ADD YOUR COMMENTS & SUGGESTIONS. NOTE: I PLACED LISTS FOR COOKING, BAKING AND BEVERAGE RECIPE SUGGESTIONS BEHIND SPOILERS. I ALSO DID THIS FOR LISTS OF PLANTS & TATTOOS Table of Contents Section 1 - Things I loved about Past Packs Section 2 - Sims 5 Suggestions Overview Section 3 - CAS Section 4 - Skills, Chores, Butler Chores, Grade School through University Education & Careers Section 5 - Interactions Section 6 - Cooking, Canning, Candy Making & Compound Butter Section 7 - Beverages - The Basics, Juicing, Mixology & Nectar Making Section 8 - Baking Section 9 - Gardening, Harvestables, Flower Arranging and Landscaping Section 10 - Neighborhoods & Community Lots Section 11 - Build Section 12 - Buy - Full Room Categories Section 13 - Buy Items Section 14 - Seasons, Climate, Temperature, Lunar Cycle, Holidays & Special Events Section 15 - Occults - Vampires, Witches, Fortune Tellers & Familiars, Ghosts, Fairies, & Werewolves Section 16 - Pets - Cats, Dogs, Birds, Horses, Unicorns and NPC Animals Section 17 - Radio Stations, Potential Songs & Music in General Section 18 - Club, Team & Tattoo Icon Suggestions Section 19 - NPC's - Couldn't Enjoy the Game Without Them Section 20 - Item Upgrade Suggestions Section 21 - Travel & Adventures - World Zones to Explore - Part 1 Hotels, Reservation System & Amenities Basic Hotel Build & Buy Room Service & Menu Customization Amusement Parks Camping, Forested Mountain Region Casino Egypt Ski Chalet, Patterned after St. Moritz, Switzerland The Caribbean - Jamaica & Haiti The Islands - Hawaii & Polynesia China Japan Greece Section 20 - Travel & Adventures - World Zones to Explore - Part 2 France Italy Section 21 - Rabbit Holes VS Open Lots Section 22 - Moodlets & Lot Traits Sims 1 The whimsy The creative NPC's - especially the roving musician from the restaurant, the organ grinder guy with monkey, the saxophonist, the obsessed fan all of these NPC's had flavor and enhanced the areas they were in The Superstar neighborhood I liked its general feel. The Cake Dancer The Ice Cream Parlor & The Candy Store with all the associated Build/Buy pieces to make it work Sims 2 The best details in terms of the Sim's involuntary actions (like shielding the eyes in bright sun). More small details like this would be great The memory system The Attraction System - Turn Ons, Turn Offs They can do basically the same ones The Western Zodiac The cut scenes for huge life events The traits seemed to have more impact like messy Sims didn't make their beds Setting climates for each neighborhood so they made sense The had the best functioning hotels - TBH Island Living had a nice resort system too but it was so late in the game and would have been better than the hostels in WA. Hotel Desk, Locking Doors, Maid Service, Concierge activities, Room service, shuttle service Stable restaurants - Family could have job positions, plus the table interactions, the roving musician The Hair Salon Pet Jobs The Upright Piano for smaller homes. Love, Love, Love the grand pianos but some house builds require something smaller The Newspaper The Paperboy/Girl Births & Obits The Crossword Puzzle Engagement & Wedding Announcements The Horoscope The Chasing of paperboy/girl by dog Interests - Sims Child through Adult and dogs and Cats all had interests appropriate to them Bon Voyage - Camping area activities Bon Voyage - The Zen Garden Purchasing jewelry The Hobbies and their enthusiasm - can work with clubs but the enthusiasm was a nice touch Pet Store - Grooming Tub, Trainer, the actual store assets Parrots, Cockatoos - Training them and getting them to speak and giving them treats The cage for the smaller birds was the best the Sims has ever done The 3 universities instead of two Juicing The Carpool, the Bus for kids - you could even see the driver honking The garden judging for the garden club The Private schools - (different uniforms, types of schools and their bonuses) and the Headmaster scenario because a level of difficulty in order to get into private schools should be there. The witch alignments (neutral, good, bad, very good, Very evil) Retail experience was better, you could even see simoleans changing hands, the changing rooms, the generic radio stations, Car Lots - where you can purchase automobiles Sims 2 had the best weddings (only because Sims 4 messed up their wedding pack) and you could plan for a honeymoon that a Limousine took you to. Chess Tournaments those need a comeback The Jump Rope, Exercise Bike and Chin up Bar The functional garage doors for gasp! garages and driveways The fabulous awning tool and the Wrought Iron and Glass Awning from Apartment Life Playing Marco Polo in the pool Tai-Chi and Mahjong Tea ceremony Sewing and Pottery Making Trimming bushes, pulling weeds - The Gardener had more to do Writing Books - The process was far more clever where you could pick amongst thought bubbles and sort of figure out what the book was about Bird watching from Free Time The Yo-Yo & Juggling The Lemonade stand The Skunk, The Raccoon and most importantly the Alpha Wolf The different greetings for the different social groups Tuning Instruments Winding the grandfather clock and it chimes The food contests The Putting green The Elevator Build pieces Being able to see and change the style of ceilings Sims 3 Open World Color Wheel - and more channels to choose for color and patterns CAS Hair color being divided by root, shaft and ends Create a Pattern The Gorgeous neighborhoods - the detail work and variety of the neighborhoods was the best its been in Sims 3 Cemeteries Weather, Temperature and Seasons - Only better than Sims 4 because it has Fog, Hail and Deep Snow The Moon cycle The Town Center where the Seasonal festivals were held. They were better than all the fairs Sims 4 had Generations & Supernatural almost everything was perfect. The Vampires were better in Sims 4 though The Fairies & Werewolves World Adventures - (minus the hostels, See Sims 2 Hotels), the adventure aspect was great fun, the countries were gorgeous, camels in Egypt was a missed opportunity, the mummy, Archeologist as a career was also a missed opportunity Nectar Making was excellent in World Adventure. I'd even keep the grape varietals Vacation Homes Cars - the car alarm, the radio, setting ownership, teaching teens to drive, parking "wink", Parking Spaces The Ice Cream Man - I don't mind the food stalls I just dont want them in place of proper bricks and mortar lots Horses, Horseback Riding, the Horse barns and Unicorns The Rabbit-holes - But ONLY for specific places and the actual buildings must be shown - Town Hall & Courthouse, Military Base but not the obstacle course, The High school, The Private Schools, The Warehouse, The Volcano Base, The University classrooms but not the Student center or labs and lecture hall. The Office Building, The Hospital, The interior of the Equestrian center but not the obstacle course, The Fortune Teller's Caravan ((I loved the music), The Science Lab and Observatory, the police station, The movie theatre but not the lobby The Mermaids were better in terms of playability based on all the cool dive spots and the hidden island Firefighters and the firehouse Police, Burglars, Burglar alarms Being able to swim in almost all bodies of water Skating on frozen lake Scuba Diving including deep diving. Sims 4 cheaped out on this to their shame. The Deer - Would be a great come back for forested area along with the wolves. In general areas are better with animals. Martial Arts - The different belt colors, the sparring, the equipment, the martial arts school. All wonderful The Snake Charming - Needs a comeback in the next desert area The Scooters from World Adventure - Motorcycles too Gem cutting The Subways & the Lightning Leap Atomic Molecular Arranger that bear a striking resemblance to the TARDIS The cleverly named scholarships for university Houseboats, watercraft and boats of all kinds The Magic Store Doorbells and changing their chime Pool Tables and their associated hidden skill and the tricks The Life Skills Books - Fire Safety, Parenting, etc. Trick O'Treat Elders using canes Bands The Showtime Magicians The bachelor parties with the dancers Flowers and allergies during the spring months Being also to change flame color in fireplaces Setting color and intensity for lights a detail Sims 4 has as well Doorbells and being able to change the chime Spiral stairs, Modular staircases, Grand Staircases, Sliding down banisters Composting The Greenhouse Glass Roof - I actually like this roof for Grand conservatories and solariums in mansions. I like the basic Sims 2 version for small homes The Festival Items Apple Bobbing Tub Eating Contests Face Painting Booth Food Stalls Honorable Mention - The Strong Man Game from I think Freeplay Kissing Booth Love Tester Photo Booth Prom The Ghost's differing colors & Ghost Hunting Sims 2 & 3 had better pet gear Sketching, Sculpture work, Glassblowing, Photography The Tattoo Shop The achievements for skills and collecting beyond getting skill level 10 The Amusement park - It was a good lot. To make it really awesome it would have had to had a ferris wheel and more Midway games The Geisha Statuette from the Sims 3 store. Not that I want this item back per se (Although I wouldn't complain about it) more that I liked the detail. Sims 4 The Vampire Pack - The vampire were superior to past vampires from everything to their powers and weaknesses, the detail stuff like making garlic wreaths and chains and bringing back the coffins and other tropes from folklore and the movies. I even love the Bleh! Seriously if they had the cape thing Bela Lugosi did I'd love it all the more. I would have loved it if they had brought back the Vampire specific Eclipsing Fog from Sims 3 but I would have had that fog protect the vampires in daylight.,f_auto/p/b17aa0d4-99eb-11e6-8ee3-00163ed833e7/47541037/the-sims-3-seasons-screenshot.png The Veterinary Clinic - Illnesses and injuries Holidays, Event Planning, Holiday Traditions all were fabulous - Do that again Loved the clubs those were great The variety of fairs and cultural festivals - Sims 3 did the seasonal festivals better by far but variety is the spice of life and exploring other cultures is quite fun. The food selections were good and adding them to the potential restaurant menus was a good idea Separating Cooking from Baking - Baking should have been a base game skill. The Restaurant Menu - this was a nice touch. It just needed to be tweaked so courses came out properly. Being able to add to the menu and setting it to create restaurants with different cuisine is always the right thing. Lot Traits - I hope in future they have strong impacts for lots this can help make visiting different lots more unique. Hats separate from hair The Voice Modulation Spa Day was great - Everything about it was fabulous ESPECIALLY after you added Manicures and Pedicures. Setting the holiday decorations for the outside with the little decoration box Setting the phones ring tone Trimming the Tree The multiple outfits one can plan in the different types of clothing The Pipe Organ. Love, Love, Love it! In future it needs pipe build pieces for really grand builds. And to play The walk styles The Familiars Fabulous Idea I just wish they could do more Hiking The Water effects - ducks, reeds, bugs etc. The Skating Rink - I love setting up the lights, effects and music. Cooking the grand meal for holidays. I'd definitely keep that but maybe add to it with international dishes over time Rock Climbing Scouting & Scouting Badges Snowy Escape - The Winter Sports - would have been better in a European Ski Town. So that the Japanese aspects could have been better Snowy Escape - The Bath House, Kotatsu, the hot pot The mermaids were better in the Sims 4 because of their new powers. They were also somewhat prettier Snorkeling - I think it had its place WITH Scuba not in place of it. The sub sections of career paths Setting the table The holiday themed door mats. I love doormats and change mine often for the time of year or for holidays The Holiday Garland and the mistletoe Patchy the Straw-man - I love that the Sims 3 version had him doing silly dances and scared Sims Pet clothing Knitting, and the needle point The bird feeder I would have given the clean interaction because birds love to poop on their feeders. Also they are making feeders now that have little string lights on the inside of it ran by solar power. Glows at night. I liked the vacuums and dust as a concept. The execution just needed work. The Snowy Thunderstorm, Monsoons, Acid Rain days agoSeasoned Veteran4.2KViews1like71CommentsEA WE WANT THE SIMS 1, 2 ON MAC!!!!!!!
Ea please 🥹 I was the sims 1 and 2 on Mac we would also like to be able to play themaVictoriaT2310 days agoSeasoned Newcomer60Views2likes0CommentsQuestion for the devs
Would it be possible to setup test systems that match the systems that are having problems and run with an ai observing the data flow to identify where and how these errors are happening? Then human coders can use that pinpointing to correct issues? I don't know what I'm talking about but I think it makes sense.Gotist11 days agoSeasoned Rookie34Views0likes0CommentsThe Urbz: Sims In The City Thread This is a thread to talk about The Urbz: Sims In The City, the fantastic Sims spinoff that took our sims into the city of SimCity. NAME: The Urbz: Sims In The City PLATFORMS: GBA, Gamecube, Xbox, Playstation 2, DS PLAYERS: 2 RELEASE: 2004 ----------------------------------------- SCREENSHOTS: Anyone else love this game!?! This is one of my favorite Sims games! Its so unique!!!2.4KViews2likes26CommentsThe Sims Medieval wont start
Hello, customer service sent me here to start a thread because customer service couldn't help me in the chat. My problem: The game doesn't start - after I clicked Start in the launcher, the launcher closes and then reopens straight away, as if the game crashed straight away. I have Windows 11 and have already tried opening the game as administrator and starting it in compatibility mode. Both just led to the error message: "Unable to start, please reinstall the basegame". The game was so great, please release an update for the game so that it can be played for everyone againPiaKleiner9112 days agoRising Newcomer50Views0likes1Comment