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Fullmetal1890P's avatar
8 years ago

Can't install TS1 on Windows 10

So, I've been trying to install TS1 on my Windows 10 laptop and it's not working. I tried changing the compatibility to literally everything and try running it, my computer will even prompt me to accepting it making changes to my computer, but then nothing, the start-up menu will never pop up. I've tried this with both a physical and downloaded copy, so it's not my CD ROM drive (plus it runs TS3 just fine with the disc). I tried downloading and installing the "no CD patch" but that didn't do anything because I don't have it installed on my computer yet (so there's no exe file to replace). So what should I do? I've followed about 5 YouTube tutorials and followed several Google tutorials, ALL of them require the game to already be installed and that seems to be the problem. Even if I could just get the start-up menu I could figure the rest out, but no compatibility settings will bring it up. I'm not uninstalling my OS because I use this computer for work. Help?
  • The Sims 1 Complete Collection installs and plays great on Win 10, but you do need to do a few things to get it working right. It's Win 10's security that's the problem. You have to make your installation folder and sub folders non-read only. If you don't, you get problems with choppy game play, and you'll have issues with any cc you make or install. So make sure you uncheck read only for the whole folder and subs. Next, you will need to make a new shortcut to the game. For the compatibility mode you can choose Win 7 or earlier. And make sure you check off to run as an admin. The game and any editing tools for it must always be run as an admin. And I do recommend a nocd for it. The last issue is, do not multitask while playing because when you hit the Windows button to exit to the desktop while the game is running, it screws up the video badly. You might have to use Task Manager to kill the game to exit out of it. If you just play and don't multitask, you should have a smooth running game. Check your cc with Skin Doctor from Parsimonous and get a GUID ID checker and you should be fine. Remember when adding bmp files to the game they must be in 256 color format. The game seems to only run in two video resolutions, you can experiment with the shortcut and try -w for window mode. Also, Tmog, if trying to clone objects, will often dump them in AppData/VirtualStore/ you have to get them out of there and put them in downloads. And make sure you run it as an Admin or it won't save recolors or anything.
  • You tried the stuff on this thread (
    Specifically this one:
    I don't know if you're still checking this or trying, but I managed to get it to install by doing the following

    First open task manager, go to the details tab and make sure no instances of 'start.exe' are running. The autorun launcher seems to be incompatible with Windows 10.

    Then go to the Setup folder on the disc, right click on setup.exe and run as administrator and hopefully this works for you too :/

    And then once you manage to install it, try the No-CD Patch.

    I'm not sure if it'll work, since I've not tried to install TS1 on Windows 10 before, but people have seemed to have success with this! :)
  • I still can't get it to download after trying everything I researched. I gave up and am hoping origin releases it :(
  • I know you can get the sims 2 to work on Windows 7, 8 and 10 as long as you have the patches and use grumpy loader to install them.
    The Sims1 I'm not to sure of it.
  • I never had a problem with Sims 2 thank goodness. That works great, I'd be sad as heck if I couldn't play Sims 2.
  • I just installed The Sims 1 on my Windows 10 laptop. It looked like it froze after disk 1 but I put in disk 2 and walked away then after a while I heard a ding and saw a message to install disk 3 then install disk 4. Looks like I finally have it the wrong place but at least it's on the laptop.