8 years ago
Can't install TS1 on Windows 10
So, I've been trying to install TS1 on my Windows 10 laptop and it's not working. I tried changing the compatibility to literally everything and try running it, my computer will even prompt me to accepting it making changes to my computer, but then nothing, the start-up menu will never pop up. I've tried this with both a physical and downloaded copy, so it's not my CD ROM drive (plus it runs TS3 just fine with the disc). I tried downloading and installing the "no CD patch" but that didn't do anything because I don't have it installed on my computer yet (so there's no exe file to replace). So what should I do? I've followed about 5 YouTube tutorials and followed several Google tutorials, ALL of them require the game to already be installed and that seems to be the problem. Even if I could just get the start-up menu I could figure the rest out, but no compatibility settings will bring it up. I'm not uninstalling my OS because I use this computer for work. Help?