I had a family on The Sims 3 which consisted of an evil vampire, his non-vampiric yet hideous brother whose skin was green, hair was coloured and had the most contorted face you could ever imagine (you'll see why). His wife was my main protagonist and they had a girl who was a slave as well.
The husband used to level his charisma and befriend everyone for his nefarious plans since he was a politician (fitting, I know). They would throw lavish parties in their dungeon and I would use a mod to get more than the usual limit of people to attend. Then I'd lock them in there. His hideous brother would "try for baby" with all the women. Initially, this took up a lot of time before I started using mods. Once it was successful after days of observing them in the dungeons, they'd be free to go. As for the men, I'd murder them or starve them in many ways.
When the former captive women gave birth their children were monstrosities; sometimes they bore green skin like the vampire's brother and other times they did not, however all of them had hideous features. One time Jocasta Bachelor gave birth to his daughter whose ears made me laugh so hard because of how badly it suited her face which had crooked jaws and an elongated nose area, fat neck, thin lips and with the twisted eyes too all from her father. Eventually the vampire got the house slave pregnant and sadly I tried to kill her but learned then that you can't kill pregnant sims, so I let the pregnancy finish while she starved in the dungeon. When she gave birth to a daughter, I fed the slave and then put the baby in a room until she was so neglected the social worker took the baby away and then I burned the slave alive with some other prisoners while she was depressed.