3 years agoNew Ace
Get to know the Murphy Bed Death Effects on Sims!
This is an article about the murphy bed deaths on Sims! Starting from the Sims 2!
The Sims 2: Apartment Life
In the Sims 2, a Sim with less then a set Body skill (Level 5) carries a chance of death by the bed falling on the Sim. It is further increased if the Sim is in a low mood.
The Sims 3: University Life:
There is a random chance, that a Sim will die from the murphy bed, so please open with caution!
The Sims 4: Tiny Living:
There is also a random chance that the Sim will either stay alive, and will get a 2+ uncomfy moodlet, or get killed. But the beds are electronic, other then mechanical like 3 and 2. The chance is heavily increased with a broken murphy bed, but a hightly-functioning bed can still crush the Sim. Prevent this broken effect by upgrading the bed with "Reinforced Spring Wiring".
After the Sim becomes a ghost in the Sims 4, they will have ZZZs nexts to their heads. They will be able to posess Sims for their energy, making the victim lose some Energhy need, whilist the ghost gains the Energy back. They will refuse to use ANY bed and in the chat, warn Sims about the bed safety, however many won't believe it.
Hope this helps you about death by beds!
The Sims 2: Apartment Life
In the Sims 2, a Sim with less then a set Body skill (Level 5) carries a chance of death by the bed falling on the Sim. It is further increased if the Sim is in a low mood.
The Sims 3: University Life:
There is a random chance, that a Sim will die from the murphy bed, so please open with caution!
The Sims 4: Tiny Living:
There is also a random chance that the Sim will either stay alive, and will get a 2+ uncomfy moodlet, or get killed. But the beds are electronic, other then mechanical like 3 and 2. The chance is heavily increased with a broken murphy bed, but a hightly-functioning bed can still crush the Sim. Prevent this broken effect by upgrading the bed with "Reinforced Spring Wiring".
After the Sim becomes a ghost in the Sims 4, they will have ZZZs nexts to their heads. They will be able to posess Sims for their energy, making the victim lose some Energhy need, whilist the ghost gains the Energy back. They will refuse to use ANY bed and in the chat, warn Sims about the bed safety, however many won't believe it.
Hope this helps you about death by beds!