Happy 20th Sims! The game has brought me much joy over the years :)
I only played TS1 briefly and remember finding it difficult to keep my sims happy but I enjoyed it enough to try TS2 which I played until the release of TS3 which I have played ever since. I plan on playing TS3 as long as I can :)
Although I moved overseas half-way through my TS3 years, I brought all my sim files with me. I have several sims who have been played many times in both The States and Australia :) I won't post pics of all my favourites because that would be overwhelming :D
I'll start with my simself. Although she rarely plays a major role in my saves, she has acted as nanny in many saves and helped to raise hundreds of sim children. When I recently tried the Daycare Profession for the first time she got the job :D
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48352917946_c7469931d8_o.jpgI started making Spike and Angel sims several years ago. I was happy with Spike from the beginning and he has been played many times. I was never happy with how Angel looked until my final round of tweaks last year. I am yet to play him but am looking forward to it :)
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49206014136_122174ac1c_o.jpgPaul is another sim who has been played a lot. I remember using him to test University when I first installed it :)
https://live.staticflickr.com/1905/45594722892_553129f940_o.jpgJason was made in the last couple of years. I wasn't sure if I would play him but decided to turn him into a genie when I first installed Showtime and he was perfect for the part :) In recent times I also played him as a human sim :)
https://live.staticflickr.com/4809/45110514374_7c32c65077_o.jpghttps://live.staticflickr.com/4812/32119820698_f0b0b5411b_o.jpgJensen and Jared have also been played many times since their creation, in fact I am currently playing them :)
https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/48934993546_da268819b3_o.jpgIan, another favourite, has undergone a lot of changes over the years and here is a fairly recent version.
https://live.staticflickr.com/7864/47066127501_e9431202a0_o.jpgI made Josh for a Facebook friend a few years back but he is a joy to play so has featured in many of my saves since then :)