Forum Discussion
I'm Adam here from The Sims forum as they about to closed and now you can't post anything. Don't understand why they be closed down as forum don't look dead. Hope this forum is fun as The Sims Forum. I was AdamBurtSims from The Sims Forum, maybe few who know or remember. Guess mostly not.
I'm The Sims 4 player, I fall in love with it. I do wanted to play other games but The Sims 4 got me addicited. It's like life, you good and bad times. It's become of my favourite games. On some where in 2022, did some updates ans screw up my Sims data, first three worlds are ok, but packages seem to reset it self, not sure what happen. I try fix it but I do it another time so I can play other games. I return playing Sims 4 as I managed to bring The Sims 4 and saved data onto Playstation 5, I fix what mess up when it was in PS4, worry it happen again. I did miss playing The Sims 4 and sound of the theme. Mostly I played my simself, me in the Sims worlds which somethings I don't do in real life. Sims I like most are Bella Goth, Liberty Lee, Behr Sisters, Summer Holiday, Pleasant Sisters and Spencer Walker (she from libary). I heard people compare The Sims 4 to 2 or 3, maybe cos they Sims since 2 0r 3 and say it better than 4, and also lots of critisim of The Sims 4. I remember my brother play The Sims (not sure it 1 or 2) when we had PC, but not much. Don't know who I didn't that time. And I be unable to play Sims 3 or 2, as I'm now on PS5 and got no PC, just Chrome and be unable to play it there.
About myself, I'm just a person living a live, no job, yet still looking but it's a struggle. My hobbies are writing, spending times on internet, sleeping and of course, playing video games. Still live with my mum along with my brother and two cats. And from England. I'm a geek when it's comes to superheroes, anime, Star Wars and Doctor Who and some cartoons. I also have interest in landmarks, history, culture and politics. Can be political but won't show in some areas like this forum. Still own toys, I even have Classic and morden Chatter Telephone, they're for toddlers but it a great toy and great to look at it, not a man child but have interest in it. I like Hot Wheels and Lego. Also like Disney. I'm no longer a football (soccer) fan, felt too much frustration what been happen in football, my team and tournament, it too much I'm fed of it, depress me when thinking, seeing and hearing things about football (soccer). I have many likes and dislikes but too much to list,
Sorry for posting this too long. I can't help myself, sometimes.
I might confuse or depress or annoyed some users here from this post.
- rosemow8 months agoHero
Hellowamb1984 🙂 It is very nice to see you here.
It is great that you play your simself in the game and enjoy doing things through your sim that you would not be able to do in real life. It is lovely to visit worlds through the game that in real life we couldn’t visit.
It is nice that you have 2 cats. Our pets are special parts of our real life family. Cats and dogs in the game are very cute also!
Happy simming!- wamb19848 months agoSeasoned Novice
My Simself has three cats, one is a famous cat, Mayor Whiskers, decide to let it stay with my simself.
- anthonydyer8 months agoSeasoned Ace
Cool! wamb1984 I usually play as my simself too. Do you play in a similar way to your lifestyle or do you take liberties with your gameplay?
- wamb19848 months agoSeasoned Novice
When I started I started with a Wife, Hatsune Miku and started building from scartch. Started making friends and talking to other sims. And started having three housemates. Until we started getting fat then getting old, then I decide to restart.
I saved the house I made, so I start of being alone, so I can romance with other female, like Bella Goth, Liberty Lee and Summer Holiday. I found I have 6 outfits and can stop some Sims aging. I decide keep myself and some Sims. Decide to married Liberty Lee and adopt a kitten. I turn myself into vampire I accidenly tranform into Vampire in the sun and got myself on fire. My other mistake I didn't have extra saving files. So I have to start again. Gutted I lost the kitten I adopted cos my simself got killed by the sun cos I turn into a vampire.
Not I did this in other data, but start having alot of girlfriends like Liberty Lee, Bella Goth, Summer Holiday, Behr sisters and Pleasant sisters, still choose Liberty Lee to married as we both Geeks. I started exploring different worlds and even holiday in Jungle Adventure and Star Wars world. I wanted to get other packs, when I got a job I start buying things. I adopted few kids (all girls) and start having daughters with all my girlfriends (prefer having daughters than sons). Let them glow to kids cos I like cuddling them and kiss on the cheek, cos you wouldn't do that when they turn teen or young adult. I played all on PS4 then the game start doing some updates but somehow mess up my data, and it mess up. when fix, still got my house and things in it and still have my wife, girlfriends and daughters, three worlds are okay but packs seem reset to start, some of my girlfriends are not and sims that meant to be gone return. It update before no problem but not sure what of update is it that mess up my data. I start adopted a kitten and a cat and add mayor cat in my household. I try and fix like get some of my girlfriends back like Behr sisters and Pleasant sisters. And put some some girlfriends in the house seem packs got reset they got no houses but I decide to rest from The Sims so I started playing other games that on 2022. Then 2024, manage get The Sims 4 saved datas into PS5, I played and fix things, I miss playing the games and hearing the tracks,
Hope this don't sound weird or anything.
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