4 years ago
Is Sims DLC Necessary?
I have seen and participated in a few recommendation threads as of late and it has gotten me thinking: is DLC necessary in the Sims series? I am thinking more grounded in the here and now with existin...
"TS1299;c-17941475" wrote:"Calico45;d-992202" wrote:
I have seen and participated in a few recommendation threads as of late and it has gotten me thinking: is DLC necessary in the Sims series? I am thinking more grounded in the here and now with existing titles, but I would not mind a little speculation as to if it will be necessary for future titles.
I realize, obviously, they are all optional purchases and usually any debate would end there (optional = not necessary). However, thinking through it all, I personally do not disable or really even skip that many packs. I have all of 1, all but the regional holiday pack of 2, all packs of 3 and a little store content, and all of 4. If anything, the one major constant for my playstyle through the years from 1 to now is that fact that I am constantly using all kinds of the available DLC pretty well all the time once I have them. Although I definitely understand what I like and dislike about each base game, it is hard for me to actually imagine playing with no packs for any of the titles. With both 3 and 4 I took fairly long hiatuses from them when they first released, only messing around to understand the mechanics and waiting for a point down the DLC line to transfer to the newest entry. (Not necessarily my thought process at the time for 3, but that is what happened.) I suppose it is possible to an extent, but I would not really want to. Plus, being completely honest, I have really been enjoying 4 lately, but if I had to be relegated to the base game for some hypothetical reason (worse yet, launch base game) then I genuinely think I would never play it again.
So what does everyone else think? I understand that for others this is the same kind of situation with mods, and they may very well shape the answers for many of you. I have never been big into modding the Sims. Some other games I will not touch unmodded, but I never really needed it in the older Sims titles and I consider it a hassle for 4 since Origin does not have the built in mod support of say Steam or the Paradox launcher. I digress, though.
Is DLC necessary for you Sims game? I think it is necessary for mine at this point.
I have played The Sims 4 for a whole year without any DLC. I have so much fun creating my stories and families that I feel like I am always full of ideas. Even in The Sims 3. Up to this point I haven't even unlocked the grilled cheese aspiration, do a complete a-z legacy, and fill a house only with ghost. There is so much you can do. I only decided to buy the DLC when I saw them on Origin and I was like, I am enjying the game and adding more wouldn't hurt. Now me and my partner (we both use the same account to play the sims) plays the game and I must say it feels to me that I only touched like20% of the game so far. Overalll I am satisfied....Except batuu never bought that and never will XD