3 years agoSeasoned Ace
My sims 5 ideal
The sims 5
- Create a style system - Design clothes and accessories by patterns and colors
- Build buy swatches for everything you buy
- Create A sims clay, more intuitive tools such as some height sliders
- Colors swatches for create a sim skin and hair color, including body hair
- Create a town or small neighborhood creator
- Create a sub town or city creator
- Weather changes introduced with seasons included in base game, including basic snow, rain, cloudy, sunny, fall, summer spring, winter
- Swimming pools included base game
- Burglars included base game
- Police force included in base game
- Fire department included in base game
- Cars included in base game
- Maid/butler services
- Chinese/Pizza delivery services
- Nanny services
- Prank texts or calls every now and then
- Grim reaper in base game
- Clown included in base game
- Ms. Crumplebottom townie
- In depth wants and fears points system base game
- In depth memory points system
- More in depth aspirations
- More in depth traits from the sims 3 and 4 and also a points system for certain characteristics from the sims 1&2.
- Life Points system, where aspirations and wants met affect game play and well as failures.
- Personality traits given over time
- Personality points and traits with genetics as well as physical appearance genetics
- More in depth relationships - in-laws/fiancé/ girlfriend/boyfriend/ best friend/step brother/step sister/friend/ enemy/ friends with benefits that can be assigned in create a sim.
- Ghosts in base game. But Actual ghosts! Not just transparent sims. They should have abilities the living sims don’t have but they should also have some limitations. The kind of sims they were and how they died should affect the kind of ghost they are.
- Funerals. Life should be celebrated and death should be mourned properly.
- Honeymoons ( rabbit hole) base game
- School system ( Base game)
- Marriage (base game)
- Genie with positive and negative results that can be summoned in base game
- Different life events effect sims differently according to their personalities
- At least 10 base game careers to start with (rabbit hole) as well as a few part time jobs. Cashier/sales or stores associate/ fast food worker/ military career branch/ business career branch/ journalist writing career branch/ logistics career branch
- Mail man or woman that delivers mail every Monday
- Newspaper option for sims who subscribe
- Cell phones with different swatches as well as a landline option base game
- Certain events at base game such as birthdays/house parties/ baby shower/marriage event/ dinner party/
- Create a community lot options
- Gym base game
- Movie theatre
- Cleaning skill ( base game)
- Mechanical skill ( base game)
- Body skill ( base game)
- Cooking skill( base game)
- Social skill ( base game)
- Logic skill ( base game)
- Environment - comfort/ discomfort need bar
- Happy/ unhappy bar or points given
- Opinions or likes and dislikes/ turn ons turn offs / sexual orientation ( base game)
- Random life events or death occasionally such as alien abduction
- Adult humor it is a T rated game most likely and should be. It has always been a game that is for older players. It should make the game more for that demographic.
- Open worlds
Expansions : Neighborhood stories - create a more dishy soap opera with your sims as you now can create richer town stories, where gossip and scandal will enrich your game play. At the beginning you can assign a life problem or scandal to begin with in create a sim. Uncover juicy neighborhood secrets in the town of Bella. Create more stories and get creative as you go while having sims influence each others actions for good or bad.
Expansion - Entertain me! expansion pack - this pack offers careers and hobbies all about entertainment- whether they start a career in the party planning business or join a dancer career for shows and night club. Create an oasis all about fun, including casinos, wilder dance parties, such as bubble dancing parties, introducing theme parties such as pajama parties, or even just a bingo party for say elders. Including more build buy items to entertain, video game system, bingo, board games for sims to play, bowling, twister, and more games for all your sims to get together and enjoy.
Expansion Holidays! Now enjoy all the special holidays with your sims or create your own with a ton of options to make a certain day special with in depth holiday game play
Expansion - Things that go bump in the night - this exp is all about the creepy ghouls in the sim world, while also adding many more fears to the game and mayhem. You have burglars but now a boogeyman can break in and live under your sims bed and eventually eat them if they don’t hire a paranormal consultant to get rid of it! A ghost haunting can now happen and be more intense and by breaking home items and possessing objects and living sims! There is now vampires that are looking to turn other sims into vampires while quenching their thirst!werewolves will now roam the night, also turning your sims into werewolves or they may just become the werewolf’s next meal! and Zombies, the grim reaper can now resurrect your sims as zombies for a fee. Or you can unleash a zombie outbreak on your town and neighborhood where zombies will look for sims to bite and turn, word will spread fast through sims phones and television and the town may go mad with fear, sims will advised to lock their doors but zombies still may break in. a spirit board even that can let in other types of spirits good and bad that can have effect on your sims life. At night is when these creatures love to come out the most. Your sims fear will most likely be escalated once you unleash these ghoulish things into their world. With a lot of rich gameplay, now you can sit around and tell ghost stories by a camp fire investigate a community or residence for ghosts, there is now a paranormal consultant career as well. You can now create a creepy neighbor hood or town with its own ghoulish legend. Make things extra spooky in your sims town with this pack and watch ghoulish mayhem unfold.
Expansion pack - Romance me!exp. Now your sims can go on a honey moon at a beautiful destination dedicated to romance! Visit the love land destination for a honey moon or lovers getaway. Stay in a fancy romantic hotel, where the beds are decorated with rose petals, get on a mini boat and go on a romantic river ride that goes around the love land town, see the beautiful romantic sights. Go to an opera while you’re there, plan an unrfogettable date night at home or out on the town! Introducing more love interactions and options for your sims as well as more buy items such as the hearts hot tub and bed. Also introducing Cupid, a heart fairy that is capable of creating more romance among the town, just don’t piss him off or he may use that arrow for heart break that could even result in heart breaking death! Have a sim confess their love like they never have with a surprise engagement event or announcement! A new hopeless romantic trait as well as an obsessive romantic trait- which can result in a sim becoming completely obsessed with the idea of love or another sim. Cupid can cast a love spell and make a sim like this too. Now your sims can go on blind dates or join a dating app, they can also go to a meet up event at a bar or place to meet other sim singles. Sims who get their heart broken are now capable of going a bit crazy, such as the break up slap interaction, the hostile ex lover who might spread rumors about their ex, they also might vandalize there exes home late at night or throw a drink in their face in public. They may also set a Whoopy cushion under a sims chair to embarrass their ex lover. Sims can now form an unbreakable romance bond where their love is so strong it creates love in the air for others or causes jealousy. They can now hold hands and take a stroll through town or the park. Who knew romance could be this fun!
- Create a style system - Design clothes and accessories by patterns and colors
- Build buy swatches for everything you buy
- Create A sims clay, more intuitive tools such as some height sliders
- Colors swatches for create a sim skin and hair color, including body hair
- Create a town or small neighborhood creator
- Create a sub town or city creator
- Weather changes introduced with seasons included in base game, including basic snow, rain, cloudy, sunny, fall, summer spring, winter
- Swimming pools included base game
- Burglars included base game
- Police force included in base game
- Fire department included in base game
- Cars included in base game
- Maid/butler services
- Chinese/Pizza delivery services
- Nanny services
- Prank texts or calls every now and then
- Grim reaper in base game
- Clown included in base game
- Ms. Crumplebottom townie
- In depth wants and fears points system base game
- In depth memory points system
- More in depth aspirations
- More in depth traits from the sims 3 and 4 and also a points system for certain characteristics from the sims 1&2.
- Life Points system, where aspirations and wants met affect game play and well as failures.
- Personality traits given over time
- Personality points and traits with genetics as well as physical appearance genetics
- More in depth relationships - in-laws/fiancé/ girlfriend/boyfriend/ best friend/step brother/step sister/friend/ enemy/ friends with benefits that can be assigned in create a sim.
- Ghosts in base game. But Actual ghosts! Not just transparent sims. They should have abilities the living sims don’t have but they should also have some limitations. The kind of sims they were and how they died should affect the kind of ghost they are.
- Funerals. Life should be celebrated and death should be mourned properly.
- Honeymoons ( rabbit hole) base game
- School system ( Base game)
- Marriage (base game)
- Genie with positive and negative results that can be summoned in base game
- Different life events effect sims differently according to their personalities
- At least 10 base game careers to start with (rabbit hole) as well as a few part time jobs. Cashier/sales or stores associate/ fast food worker/ military career branch/ business career branch/ journalist writing career branch/ logistics career branch
- Mail man or woman that delivers mail every Monday
- Newspaper option for sims who subscribe
- Cell phones with different swatches as well as a landline option base game
- Certain events at base game such as birthdays/house parties/ baby shower/marriage event/ dinner party/
- Create a community lot options
- Gym base game
- Movie theatre
- Cleaning skill ( base game)
- Mechanical skill ( base game)
- Body skill ( base game)
- Cooking skill( base game)
- Social skill ( base game)
- Logic skill ( base game)
- Environment - comfort/ discomfort need bar
- Happy/ unhappy bar or points given
- Opinions or likes and dislikes/ turn ons turn offs / sexual orientation ( base game)
- Random life events or death occasionally such as alien abduction
- Adult humor it is a T rated game most likely and should be. It has always been a game that is for older players. It should make the game more for that demographic.
- Open worlds
Expansions : Neighborhood stories - create a more dishy soap opera with your sims as you now can create richer town stories, where gossip and scandal will enrich your game play. At the beginning you can assign a life problem or scandal to begin with in create a sim. Uncover juicy neighborhood secrets in the town of Bella. Create more stories and get creative as you go while having sims influence each others actions for good or bad.
Expansion - Entertain me! expansion pack - this pack offers careers and hobbies all about entertainment- whether they start a career in the party planning business or join a dancer career for shows and night club. Create an oasis all about fun, including casinos, wilder dance parties, such as bubble dancing parties, introducing theme parties such as pajama parties, or even just a bingo party for say elders. Including more build buy items to entertain, video game system, bingo, board games for sims to play, bowling, twister, and more games for all your sims to get together and enjoy.
Expansion Holidays! Now enjoy all the special holidays with your sims or create your own with a ton of options to make a certain day special with in depth holiday game play
Expansion - Things that go bump in the night - this exp is all about the creepy ghouls in the sim world, while also adding many more fears to the game and mayhem. You have burglars but now a boogeyman can break in and live under your sims bed and eventually eat them if they don’t hire a paranormal consultant to get rid of it! A ghost haunting can now happen and be more intense and by breaking home items and possessing objects and living sims! There is now vampires that are looking to turn other sims into vampires while quenching their thirst!werewolves will now roam the night, also turning your sims into werewolves or they may just become the werewolf’s next meal! and Zombies, the grim reaper can now resurrect your sims as zombies for a fee. Or you can unleash a zombie outbreak on your town and neighborhood where zombies will look for sims to bite and turn, word will spread fast through sims phones and television and the town may go mad with fear, sims will advised to lock their doors but zombies still may break in. a spirit board even that can let in other types of spirits good and bad that can have effect on your sims life. At night is when these creatures love to come out the most. Your sims fear will most likely be escalated once you unleash these ghoulish things into their world. With a lot of rich gameplay, now you can sit around and tell ghost stories by a camp fire investigate a community or residence for ghosts, there is now a paranormal consultant career as well. You can now create a creepy neighbor hood or town with its own ghoulish legend. Make things extra spooky in your sims town with this pack and watch ghoulish mayhem unfold.
Expansion pack - Romance me!exp. Now your sims can go on a honey moon at a beautiful destination dedicated to romance! Visit the love land destination for a honey moon or lovers getaway. Stay in a fancy romantic hotel, where the beds are decorated with rose petals, get on a mini boat and go on a romantic river ride that goes around the love land town, see the beautiful romantic sights. Go to an opera while you’re there, plan an unrfogettable date night at home or out on the town! Introducing more love interactions and options for your sims as well as more buy items such as the hearts hot tub and bed. Also introducing Cupid, a heart fairy that is capable of creating more romance among the town, just don’t piss him off or he may use that arrow for heart break that could even result in heart breaking death! Have a sim confess their love like they never have with a surprise engagement event or announcement! A new hopeless romantic trait as well as an obsessive romantic trait- which can result in a sim becoming completely obsessed with the idea of love or another sim. Cupid can cast a love spell and make a sim like this too. Now your sims can go on blind dates or join a dating app, they can also go to a meet up event at a bar or place to meet other sim singles. Sims who get their heart broken are now capable of going a bit crazy, such as the break up slap interaction, the hostile ex lover who might spread rumors about their ex, they also might vandalize there exes home late at night or throw a drink in their face in public. They may also set a Whoopy cushion under a sims chair to embarrass their ex lover. Sims can now form an unbreakable romance bond where their love is so strong it creates love in the air for others or causes jealousy. They can now hold hands and take a stroll through town or the park. Who knew romance could be this fun!