New thread :D I'll try and keep up this time :P
Fuzzy- Hi *waves* :D
Celiria- It was nice of Jenny to help Kyrie like that. That situation would be hard for Kyrie but hopefully if she just does her job without incident things will be alright. Travis is a bit harsh though.
Nik24X7- Nice shots of Lucky Palms, it is a beautiful world isn't it. Haha, hates the outdoors? Go fish at the beach! I do that, I usually just tell my sims to get over it :lol:
I like the makeover you gave to the house, it looks great.
Darren and Darlene make such a nice couple! Go Darren you charmer, Darlene is definitely enjoying it. Brave as well? Saving the day by putting out the fire. What a catch, obviously Darlene thinks so too, she said yes! Her wedding dress is so pretty and looks great in her. Can't wait to see their wedding :D
rednenemon- Locke is so cute playing with his toy. I love Mignon, always falling on his face :lol: and that pic of him being surprised by Plutonium is hilarious! I never realised how big his ears were :shock:
You can't blame Landon, if I had mixology skill I would show off too :P
TadOlson- Your desert world looks interesting so far