Happy 22 Birthday Sims!
I started with Sims 1. I didn't know what it was until my ex-best friend bought it for their i-mac and actually thought it was really a big dollhouse when I read the back of it. Oh, how wrong I was because we stayed up the entire night playing. So I asked my parents for the game. It was so much fun as we made swimming pools where the sims had to swim everywhere. Then when they announced Sims2 and saw that they had genetics for the family. Also playing the legacy challenge in Sims2. Also getting my male sims alien abducted to have alien babies. Sims3 and the open world and of course create-a-sim and the color wheel. Sometimes, they shouldn't let me loose on the sims with the color wheel. Sims4-pretty scenery and the toddlers are cute.
Best packs
Sims1: Hot Date and Making Magic
Sims2: All and plus the stuff packs
Sims3: All and stuff packs. Awesome store
Sims4: Haven't bought any new packs for a couple of years.
Favorite moments:
* Sims1-playing footies under the table at a date.
* Sims2: Seeing the alien abduction cutscene.
* Sims3: Hearing my sim laugh for the first time at something.
* Sims4: Finally getting toddlers in the game. Also realizing it's okay to not play for awhile.