I have a few favorites but my current favorite again is Hannibal.
-I didn't create him but I did merge some other simmers works to make him. I liked someones mouth on him better ect.. so with genetics I redid him until I got what I wanted.
-I enjoyed the show that inspired me to have him in my game... I also have many of the other characters on that show in his save game... along with replicated or inspired buildings.
-I think most would know Hannibal's story so I'll leave it at that.
-He doesn't have a family but has good friends or at least has others that are close to and entwined in his life. His home looks very much like the show version in certain areas. I absolutely love this can be achieved without cc. When I play him and the other characters in their downloaded and well put together homes it just makes me grin.

I actually don't play him in a deviant manner. He likes fine things. He likes music and art. He is interested in learning basically everything. He takes care of his body. He is growing a fine garden to use the produce in his dishes. He likes to cook and host parties in my game. I just like playing him.. it's almost soothing. Now and then I get a little smirk wondering what he would really do in a situation where he comes across someone that he thinks is unbearably rude but it doesn't go beyond the amusement in thinking that. I enjoy playing the Sims 4 as it is on him.