My favorite is my original. He name is Patricia Lombardo and when I first started playing in December she was made when I hit the random button and there she was. She is an outgoing, ambitious and cheerful astronaut at SpaceY. I never really gave her a formal backstory but I like to think she moved to start over in life and leave her nonexistent family behind.
She ended up marrying Travis Scott and he is so adorable and they are so good together. Together they have 2 kids who she loves so much, Phoenix, her son, and Trinity, her daughter. She has a granddaughter as well Lorena (Phoenix's) and they all live together in the home I originally made for just her. She loves to help Lorena with homework and let Phoenix teach her guitar. Her and Trinity bound over their love for dogs. Her and Travis spend a lot of time online together and just together in general.
She is an elder now and I love her so much but I think I'll turn aging back on soon so she can pass on and leave her legacy. I will add pictures once I become a full member because they are so adorable.
Edit: Here is an album with some pictures of her and her husband.