- Did you create him/her? I created her, yes! I started with randomizing a name, and when Sigrid Underwood came up, my imagination ran with it. I wanted to use all the tattoos and alternative objects to make my idea of someone "cool."
- What's his/her story? Sigrid moved to Windenburg as a YA, wanting to branch out on her own and start fresh. She joined a few clubs, became a part-time DJ at the Narwhal Arms, dated half the town's population before realizing she'd have to settle down eventually if she wanted to have company as an old bat. She worked primarily as a DJ, but she also held down a job as a double diamond agent, all the black ops kept her alive until she was a ripe old sim. She mastered at least a dozen skills and was generally amazing.
- What kinda family does he/she have?(if your Sim has a family) After joining Partihaus, Sigrid adopted the club as her new family. Jade became her best friend, she briefly dated Eva, and she was close with both Paolo and Marcus. So naturally they were there when a man named Nikolaj Winters asked for her hand in marriage. She had two sons with Nikolaj, Soren was their first and he was already a teen when Sigrid had oops-baby Leif just before becoming an elder! She's so long gone I'm currently playing her granddaughter, but she still holds the record as my most developed, most beloved, most fun-had sim. She died of laughter when her younger son Leif, announced he'd accidentally become a dad the day after his YA birthday. All that remains is her elder son Soren, who is one half of Windenburg's reclusive gay mystics, raising his niece Maeve after her father Leif, step-mom Gurparveen, younger siblings Amira and Avery all passed away in a fire while she walked the family dog.