You can't just get fashion gems from parties. The party thrower has to make sure their party gets to 10 or no gems are rewarded. So now going to random parties or simply Birthday parties is a gamble because people start parties and don't even put out decorations to interact with to score exp to level up the party. Now people forced to burn party cakes trying to level up some strangers party cause its the only way to get the 4 gems, since they killed the to do list that had the 2 gems for giving out 3 stickers. Stickers have also become useless by the way. Sure some people give them out because they are nice but there is ZERO benefit of giving out stickers now that the 2 gems reward is gone. However, Izzy is still giving out gems once a week for having the most stickers. Only way to get stickers is if you actual real life sim community is pretty active like mine. Most of us give out all our stickers but I'm pretty sure there are some sim communities that don't see stickers anymore thanks to the incentive being killed off for this llama truck,