Forum Discussion

Re: List of known bugs

- Collection posts

Posts about the same problem but with different objects involved or different models of phones.

[Collection thread] - Items missing after patch

[Collection thread] - Issues with certain devices

[Collection thread] - Objects out of place when performing action

- App issues

Issues with the user interface, cloud, social options, store, settings or ads

[Open] - Disappearing contacts and relationships of Sims

[Open][Workaround] - Unable to accept or decline friend request

[Open]Tutorial message from previous game partially covers screen

[Open] - Button for changing careers is missing from Fashion work station

[Open][Workaround] Off center advert, can’t close after playing

[Open] - It's day when it's night and night when it's day\

[Open] - Ads not playing and giving rewards

[Open] - Ads Open AppStore automatically

[Open] - Game Resetting To Level 1

[Open] - Player names not showing up

[Open] - Problems with data syncing

[Open] - Sound off for sims

[Open] - Game crashes when watching ads

[Open] - Mailbox ad icon disappears - Ads Not Working

[Open] - Enable Browser Functionality Error on Android 11

[Open] - Can’t enable tracking on iOS. Can't connect to social media accounts

- Game issues 

Issues with the game itself.

[Open]Friends/ Contact list disappeared

[Open] - Sims stand around on home lot

[Open] - Pricing jumps on Fledgling Streamer Station

[Open] - Adopting a sim not successful

[Open] - Hours pass but Sims don't finish their work


[Open] - Broken rooms and blue cars

[Fixed]Need to improve lifestyle to unlock land

Might be related: [Fixed] - Another Land expansion is currently unlocking when there isn't

[Open]Glorius Hardwood changes color

[Open] - Missing Event Items from “Buy” Tab - After QoL update

[Open] - Iconic computer station not recognized as part of the hobby collection

[Open]Moving wall makes unrelated objects move

[Open] - Objects can't be moved

[Open] - Outdoor tiles cover Picnic perfection set

[Open] - Rococo set needs to be completed to buy BBQ

[Open] - Floor Level Red Dot Notification

[Open] - Land expansion ready animation stuck

[Fixed?] - Items crafted in the eco workshop not available in Buy mode

- The following three issues might be related:

[Open] - Broken roof

[Open] - Eco lot house roof shows locked


[Open]Ancient elder NPCs don't disappear

[Open] - Risky action missing when Sims says it's ready for it

[Open] - Toddler doesn't show up for interactions

[Open] - Sim shrinking

[Open] - Make space for Sim already in household

[Open] - Sims can’t interact with toddlers using objects

[Open] - Full household dialog box does not appear when adding new NPC

[Open] - Dark items and Sims since Date Night update

[Open] - Hot Tub 2000 needs illuminated wall

[Open] - Sim doesn't show up for events or socializing

[Fixed?] - Chop To It Cutting Board blocked on counters

[Open] - Bassinet disappears when baby is removed from full household

[Open] - Always six drinks left on summer tray and in fridge

[Open] - Sims is duplicated living in two houses

[Open] - Not able to remove retired NPCs

[Open] - Elder Sim stuck doing action and can’t be removed from the household

[Open] - Energy not refilling

[Open] - Sim unabale to re-engergise, get new traits or change homes

[Open] - Izzy firework effect broken

[Open] - Promoted Sim became unplayable

[Open] - Sims can t share a meal on the Live Edge Dining Table

These issues are probably related:

[Open] - Guest sim won’t change to bathing suit on hot tub

[Open] - Sims shows stuck walking on front yard at Eco lot

[Open] - Sim busy even though not doing anything

[Fixed?] - Sim has lost option to retire after being passive

[Open] - Relationships disappear when making active Sims passive

[Open] - Sims don't gain energy, can't get new traits or move to another house

[[Fixed?] - Sims icons crossed out

[[Fixed?] - Lost one sim slot due to "make passive"

[[Fixed?] - Passive sims leaving the house nonstop

[Open] - Seated Sims Won’t have a normal conversation

[Fixed?] - My sim has disappeared after using passive

[Open] - Passive Sims do not leave house at parties

[Open] - Passive Sims disappeared from house and no longer exist/are related


[Open] - Cannot change Sims’ appearance

Izzy and fashion gems

[Open] - Game crashes when clicking on the Izzy creations

[Open] - Izzy’s effect animation does not work in his shop

[Open] - Adult NPC son disappears from household after a cafe date


[Fixed] - Cannot End LZ Tasks - Stereo only has “Dance" option

Retirement, promotions, generations and Heirlooms

[Open] - Izzy effect not visible in family portrait after retirement

[Open] - Story marked as new in Heirloom box while it isn't new

[Open] - Duplicate Trait/Heirloom doesn't have "Already Owned" tag on shop

[Open] - Sims has all traits but can't be retired

[Open] - Story gone after selling duplicate heirloom

[Open] - Elder Sim stuck doing action and can’t retire

- Graphical

Issues with how things look or act.

[Open] - "z Z z" sleeping effect stays on Sim after waking up

[Open] NPC is missing in career

[Open] - Guitar sinks into the floor

[Fixed?] - Sage wall cabinet left cuts into wall

[Open] - Bad Graphics Quality

[Open] - Cutting Board stuck at Sim’s feet

[Open] - Obtrusive “Woven Sugarcane Rug” Footprint

[Open] - Metro Modernist Sink can't be placed against a wall after update

[Open] - Shadows error writing instead of shadows

[Open] - Future sight crystal ball doesn't change color

[Open] - Pattern on Stäncké Geometric Rug replaced by Trouk Fringe Rug pattern

CAS clothing

[Fixed?] - Going out jacket combo with High water boots

[Open] - Imperfections/Holes on Riverbed Rolled Shorts

[Open] - Holes in Cupid’s Arrow Satin shorts and Gothic Glamour Blouse

[Open]Punch of punk choker is not visible or has imperfections

[Open] - Carnaby Knee-High Boots Color Swatches Disappeared

[Open] - Visual glitch on legs on Right on Track Tracksuit

[Fixed?] - Visual problem with the Forget-Me-Not boots

[Open] - Athleisure Leggings are placed under wrong CAS category

[Open] - Holes and imperfections on the Ruche & Ruffle Pencil Skirt

[Open] - Imperfections on Poppin' Collars Necklace

[Open] - Imperfections on Cutely Curled Side Style

[Fixed?] - ‘Smuggler Gear’ outfit doesn’t recognize shoes/pants limits

[Fixed?] - Imperfections on Double Agent Dress

CAS hair

[Open]Bald spot in the Preppy Ponytail

[Open] - Oh So Fine Hairstyle Bald Spot

- Party 

Issues with your own or parties from others.

[Open] - Cannot return to party

[Open]Party timer won’t reset

[Open] - Missing Career/Hobby Icons on Party-Search

[Open] - Levelling up account while at a party and not getting extra energy

[Open]No sims in parties after Fashionista update

[Open] - Party guests spawn at another party

[Open] - Party Chat doesn't reflect the actual party level

[Open] - Can't start a party

[Open]Modelling career home items

[Open] - Not receiving party notifications

[Open]Alfred the Anglerfish missing the party action in OWN party

[Open] - Party progress disappears on own party (0 stars)

[Open] - Very few sims visible at parties

Might be related: [Open] - Party guests appear on the far ends of the sidewalk

[Open] - Friends only party switches to Open for everyone

[Open] - Party ends shortly after starting no error

[Open] - App Crashes when Attempting to Attend Certain Parties

[Open] - Party chat shows code instead of normal messages

[Open] - Chat on Hold: Party Chat not available

[Open] - Other players can attend my parties but I can't

[Open] - Party timer won’t reset

- Work

Issues at the workplace of your Sims.

[Open] - Fashion studio not always offering 95 star action

[Open] - Sim can't DJ after risky action

- Hobby

Issues with hobbies.

- Quests

Issues with the quests 

[Open]Quest menu is asking me to place items I don't have

- Events

Issues with normal events, family events or special (limited time) events.

[Open] - Missing Internet Icon quest

[Fixed?] - Snuggle-Up Sectional Sofa won't allow tasks to be completed

[Open] - Wrong initial duration displayed on event/hangout cards

- Sweet Treat Showdown

Issues with the sweet treat showdown.

[Open][Info needed] - Missing the Grand Prize from 'Charming Gardens' STS

[Open] - NPCs showing up in normal clothing at STS

[Open] - Sweet Treat Challenge bake off start button unresponsive

[Open] - Prizes change on STS when leaving game mid challenge

[Open] - Sim is unable to do STS

[Open] - Dessert appeared as both Perfection & Disaster

- Eco Workshop

[Open] - Multiple sims sitting in a chair at Eco Workshop

[Open] - No action available on computer and soldering table at the Eco Workshop

List updated 24th of February



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