> @ayyitsmell said:
> So.. What do you guys think so far??
> I like it :blush:
> Pros
> I like...
> * the aesthetic and new careers in the Waterfront District!
> * that the Waterfront District was free! (but you still have to unlock the buildings)
> * the new UI of the game. I think it seems a bit more organized and easier to navigate than the previous one
> * that they are rewarding more sim cash for quests :smile:
> * that the storage is slightly more organized (however I still think that it should be separated in categories)
> * Llamazoom is cute and has simple and easy tasks that don't take 10 hours to do
> Cons:
> * I am not sure how I feel about them removing the daily task + tickets. The daily task was useful for collecting fashion gems.
> * LLamaZoom is cute but I feel like there are not as many rewards as the daily task had
> * I dislike that they increased prices of land expansions and certain furniture and CAS styles, like how the plum Pizazz Chair was tickets only, and now it costs 8,990 coins + 5 llama tickets. (Should've used the tickets while I had the chance)
> * I wish that the tickets we had before could've been converted to sim coins or sim cash, since we had a bunch of them from all the events we did.
> * I wish that the cars and the new careers that were added or are coming soon to Sims Mobile could be added to Sims 4 PC (Wellness Guru, Science, Space Explorer, Marine Biologist, Dance Instructor) *nervous laugh*
> * Still no pools or beach :#
> Glitches?:
> * There is a yellow arrow pointing to the empty corner of the screen, from the previous event
> * Eyebrows were removed from sim after update?
> * The same sim player icons were showing up twice in different slots (but I think it got resolved once it updated)
> Write back any feedback (good and/or constructive) you may have about the new update or fun things you have noticed below :smile:
> Also, if you have any suggestions for improvements about the overall game, head over to my other post to voice your concerns or share your awesome suggestions!