Forum Discussion

BrigadierGray's avatar
6 years ago

EA - When are you going to host a server with no forgotten attacks in America?

All of your recent servers are all in Europe. After being back stabbed in all three European servers I played on this year, it's time for a change. I won''t be playing again unless you start hosting games on American servers. - BrigadierGray
  • Tib 41 was European time zone, launch on 27th September but Wrath 24 was American time zone launch 30th August. They were the last ones launched as far as I can tell. So although it is a while, there has been one nearly as recently as a one with a European time zone start.
  • The next Wrath world, which are always based on US time zones, should have Morale without FA. Seeing as Wrath 24 has only about half of its capacity we have no ETA yet.
  • Wrath24 is now finished, fortress will be shot in few days
    Tib41 is now finished too 2st and 3st alliances has stopped, Antshill have won

    Veteran will open soon but only few players are interested by this kind of world

    So currently there is a lot of players waiting for a new world to come out, those who finished Wrath24, players that finished Tib41, and players that are waiting for a classic world since months

    Hope we will have one soon