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balance between nod/gdi
Hey folks! I think many of you guys know me. Im playing Tiberium alliances for several years, won the 3 last WCS as member for nvidia and cic together with Takman1979 for Schaffa. Besides of that, I count to the best players of this game :P . What makes me a bit sad, is that the game didn't have any game balance changes the last couple of years. Nod is much more stronger then GDI in nearly everything, except maybe the midgame of worlds without malus. GDI gets theirs snipers 2 days earlier and the paladin range is nice. BUT 1. Nod is the best in farming outposts or even bases. The Vertigos are the best weapon of nod when its about killing the CY, Gdi has AT LEAST the double amount of structures infront of the CY. The Gdi commando is only 10% stronger then the nod one, but compared to the nod bomber it's a joke. We dont have to mention the Hawks, who drops their whole ammo while flying above a wall. Therefor: Please buff the damage of the commando. I think 20% more damage will be a nice spot. Not to weak, not to strong. 2. Nod has the best Upgrades in the game. Mammoth: Ye well, everyone is laughing about the upgrade the mightest tank in the game, the mammoth. It's totally useless, it isn't a upgrade you are saving your research points or anything. Avatar has lifeleech, it's godlike! Mammoth can run over walls? My suggestion: Give the mammoth the predator update (shields would be to op :D). Flat 20% more damage would be nice, then they can compete with the upgraded avatars lategame (still nod will be stronger farming outposts with low amount of repairtime due to lifeleech) Kodika: The upgrade sounds nice, but in reality it isn't good. The % of HP converted to it's shield is too low. The only good thing u can do atm with it, to protect your sniper who fights against another sniper. Anything other then this, it's useless. My suggestion: I don't know the correct numbers, but when the kodiak shield is at the moment 10% of the kodiaks hp, it needs to be doubled at least! (it won't be op, a mammoth protected by the kodiak will deplete it still under 1 second (: ) Nod has the strongest 2 upgrades on their most expensive units Gdi has 2 upgrades which you normally dont research because its a waste of RP 3. Air domination due to cobras Ye well, what shall i say. Everyone knows how good a cobra with shield is. It does not only provide 40-50% more hp, no.. It deals the whole time 100% damage till the shield is depleated. This means in farming outposts less repairtime and in strong bases you still can kill a mammoth in 2 rows where GDI needs at least 2x3 rows :/ gdi has the problem, that all air units except the kodiak, aren't tanky. The orca update can be nice, if it doesnt get killed till it reaches the mammoth/scrapbus. Paladin is in a good spot, due to his range he has kinda low damage but thats fine (one of gdis advantages) My suggestion: Buff the Orca HP about 20%, then it can compete a little bit more with the cobras. 4. Defence and the domination of Taxi offenses For ages now: "if you cant kill your enemy in 3 hits, just build a taxi offense and kill him in 60 hits" :D What is a taxi offense? Well, it consists some reconers and inf/snipers.. You put the inf into your reconers and attack a PvP base which has full support --> your reconers gets killed instantly and the infantry plops out with 100% hp, so you can kill the base step by step Nod is the only fraction who can build proper taxi offenses (due to invisible infantry, which is strong and doesnt get revealed by anything) My suggestion: There is one super useless defence unit i never have seen in my playtime: the defence reconer/guardian. Let's give them a job, which makes taxi offenses as well more unattractiv: Both units reveal invisible units in a range of 2,5! These are only a small amount of changes I thought about. I don't want GDI be better then NOD or even be overpowered.. But ~ 70-75 of the player base is playing NOD, because of the fact that is much stronger. These changes would help GDI , to convince some players to try out GDI again. NOD will still be better in many things, I didn't even mention the venom's in PvP or the specter which deals about twice the damage of a pitbull. greez koegy Edit: Please like if you are the same opinion, so it gets some attention!2.6KViews6likes41CommentsTib 65 Infected Challenge
As of 08:02 world time, 20th March 2025. 31,165 Infected kills in total ..... of which only 7 within the area controlled by our alliance. None of those 7 were actually within the alliance, they were on the edge of the territory, and there are still no infected camps within our held territory, although I did see two more outside our perimeter. 7 out of 31,165 doesn't seem very proportionate to me, or to any of our members. If you're going to have a challenge you could at least make it equally available to everyone.PurestVodka28 days agoNew Novice38Views0likes3CommentsMessage filter
Since the latest patch there are a lot of common words that have been filtered in messages i.e high & push making it very difficult to send messages which mean sense. Is there a list of filtered words?? It would be good to be able to send a message without getting ??? or what are the h & p words as a replySolvedtombs2315 days agoNewcomer32Views0likes1CommentAlliance Marker Limit
its there any chace to get more limit or even unlimited alliance markers to drop.... limit up to 10 markers are definitly to low and i think there should not be any problem to make limit of markers bigger. that should more help control the walking way, territory conquered or targets for alliance members. that somethink what should be unllimited for leading team.0x0LongJohn0x016 days agoRising Traveler21Views1like1CommentBATTERING RAM on MAMMOTH
its any chance to change this stiupid expensive upgrade for mammoth in GDi what not make anythink important in shooting for somethink similar what got ORCA(IMP) or JUGGERNAUT(BARRAGE) the upgrade for MAMMOTH are most stiupid on all upgrades when NOD fraction have so strong upgrade on AVATAR-drain or cobras-shields salamander-drain all those upgrades got sense but mammoth upgrade just for crossing walls faster for 1sec its tipaly nonsense.... any chance to look after all upgrades from someone who can do some changes?0x0LongJohn0x026 days agoRising Traveler127Views0likes10Comments[request] Tiberian 67 World Starts on February 27th
Please can you give a decent starting layout on this one , a random layout achieves nothing, It is always crap and a pointless exercise. No one has ever given me a good reason why everyone in the world should have a crap layout , not a single person. So please stop with the copy and paste stuff and listen for once in your lives. EE_kalyntokenting31 days agoNew Vanguard116Views1like2CommentsSupported languages
AHQ Languages: At the moment the following languages are supported on Answers HQ for many games: English Deutsch Español Français Русский форум Português Jezyk polski Italian Nederlands Whilst many games are supported in different languages by their own AnswersHQ and EA staff who speak that language as their first language, here in Tiberium Alliances we have a German AHQ and an International Forum aka English. Posts should be made in English here (and in German in the German AHQ). If you wish, post in both your own language and in English. Google translate works well with many languages and there are other translation options on the internet for many languages. Answers will only be given in English, generally with either American or British spelling of words. This is an out of date post . Updated information is below in bold and is correct as of February 2025. AHQ has now closed for new posts. In here posts should be made in English only and any replies should be in English - American or British spelling of words will be the norm. There is a new forum for those who wish to post in German. With the language set to German the the forum appears. Similar rules apply there and posts should only be in German. Posts that are made in other languages here may be removed without a reply - if a reply is given it should be in English.1.4KViews2likes0CommentsDecember 2024 Challenge: Badge for Leading Alliance missing at Tiberium 37
This morning at midnight we were surprised that we didn't get a badge as the leading alliance. We defended our position in a hard fight until the last minute. However, the second best alliance got their silver badge. Until when can we get our deserved badge?h13an2 months agoSeasoned Newcomer124Views1like5CommentsFeb 13 Tiberian 66
Have been playing on and off for 11 years. Looking for an alliance with active players who can share information on the game. I feel I have stagnated and am not keeping up with the new rules. I can bring some good players from my current alliance.Solveddespair_19452 months agoSeasoned Newcomer90Views0likes1CommentWhy the Nest infantery are not destroy by AirStrikers
In the description at arsenal the Airstrike - quick air strike to bring down structures, and the Nest infantery description - light infantery nest specialist agains infantery . So my ? is why airstrike vehicules cant atack nest infantery, and in arsenal the nest infantery it is in the Buildings Defence = structures, and the ? why cant atack nest with airbombersLaCrima4You2 months agoRising Newcomer38Views0likes1CommentNowiciusz
Witam Społeczność Command&conquer Tiberium Alliances, Jestem nowym graczem. Niestety gram na zasadzie intuicji. troszkę kasy. Udało coś stworzyć 3 bazy level 17,15,10 i dostać do sojuszu średniego ale zawsze coś. Otrzymuję jakieś info o Free 285.185 i nie mam pojęcia o co chodzi :(. może są jakieś strony z informacjami o zasadach nieformalnych bądź formalnych, a może znajdzie się ktoś kto chciałby wystąpić w roli GURU. pozdrawiam serdecznieJABRZOZA19632 months agoNewcomer27Views0likes1CommentFirestorm 26 - search alliance
Hi everyone, Anyone who is still looking for an alliance on the new world, which will start on Thursday, is welcome to contact me. The knowlenge-level doesn't matter. Just get in touch by reply, PN, in the Discord ( - as you like. Greetings Leoleo70443 months agoHero+57Views1like0CommentsFS26 Settings
What is meant by "your way to the tacitus may be longer than expected"? Can you confirm the POI settings for the FS26 server?SolvedDirtyFrank1233 months agoSeasoned Newcomer129Views0likes3CommentsСобственно как приобрести Funds
Доброго времени суток старожилы игры, сегодня столкнулся с такой проблемой, при покупке "фундс" выскакивает ошибка карты, мол что-то не так с картой. 1.5 года назад все работало исправно, а теперь покупки с территории Беларуси тоже ограничены?Sioluxion4ik3 months agoNewcomer65Views0likes2Comments- b97cbae3213388ee3 months agoSeasoned Veteran74Views0likes3Comments