@ToXXXic69 are ur mushrooms filling u up again?
Ive been nothing but polite and the only person insulting is u?
Maybe a lack of comminucation?
Then kicked from alliances? U know more then me there but i think that will be the mushrooms speaking.
Anyway ur contribution to the topic is useless.
If as Druid already said (AE) is not even possible to limit 1 or 2 accounts to an ip... They are sure as hell not even compatible to restrict an IP to an attack on a camp, op or base. So ur contribution is just to insult me for handing in a option for fairplay?
The only reason i can think of is that u are a multi user affraid losing ur ability to get ahead duo no fact of knowledge about this game.
Though i keep it nice and let it be for what it is. Since more people think like me as u see in the comments.
But rest asured i have no Syndrome what so ever and i shall blame it to ur use of mushrooms.