The entire flow of this server is completely screwed up now. You guys need to revert it back to the way it was. Alliances that were able to dig out that last POI before the switch have an enormously unfair advantage now. Guys will be forced to relocate or just sit there and do nothing for a month or two (which is about as fun as watching grass grow).
I'm sure EA has the algorithm in place to figure out the way to maximize cash flow on a small producing game like Tiberium Alliances, but I know I for one tend to fund aggressively early on and then only occasionally from there on out. The cash flow model from me is maximized by letting me get through a server as quickly as possible and move on to start a new server. I'm sure I'm not alone. But I trust you guys have that figured out.
That said, I will not be funding multiple accounts until this is resolved fairly and would happily hop on a class action suit for the funds I've invested already.
Please fix your "fix".