910 POSTS MODERATOR April 18, 2018 10:11AM
methuselah is a moderator here (like me), he couldn't make the changes so can't change it back or adjust it further.
Sry.. could not find an reply to post option.. ;)
Then you (moderators) are stuck and your doom if dramatic, as u will have hear our emotional message... (or massage lol)
The future of this game looks bad, as the way the changes were made .. are against all the good practice of customer handling.
Malus 7 (or 8..) btw was an good way to find the balance between selfish game style (no malus world is an lottery of finding "weak" bases and gain insane resources of sneak-attacks) and pure farmawille (fa and malus4 worlds - 0rt farming with shielded cobras is an huuuge benefit..GDI - dead in general as lack of rt is pain after bases lvl >30ies..).
Other good things was, that GDI finally could overplay NOD, as the resources gained from base kills were equal.. camp killing has much more less resources as smart simming of hard and high lvl bases.
Maybe, Malus 7 world have to be like with bases lvl 55 and fortress def shall start from 70 with viruses.. no idea.. but i really like this malus 7 concept.. as in my eyes it's an good balance between GDI and NOD..finally found and got so badly ruined.
Message is addressed to moderators;)