Platform: PC
Data Center: US West
Game Modes: All game modes, but I mainly play attrition
Internet speed:
Loadout: Any loadout.
Primary Weapon:
Anti-Titan Weapon:
Tactical Ability:
Tier 1 Kit
Tier2 Kit:
Primary Weapon:
Tactical Ability:
Tier 1 Kit
Tier 2 Kit
Titan Insignia:
Titan OS Voice:
Details on what truly is happening: This only started recently. Everything was fine the last time I played (which was about 2 weeks ago). Now whenever I join a game I have 200-900 ping. A few seconds after I join (doesn't matter if the match just started or is almost over) I get the "retrying connection to server" message and after a few tries I disconnect and get kicked to the main menu. I tried changing my video settings back to defult but that did not help. It shouldn't be a problem with my hardware because I was able to run the game smoothly with almost everything on max before. I used to get anywhere from 20-60 ping before and at most around 90 ping. It also shouln't be a problem with my wifi since it is pretty fast when browsing or watching videos.