Forum Discussion
@GregTheSpark I've already requested a refund because I still think the game on my account is broken, but Steam refused because I've played it over 2 hrs. Single player did work on my PC when I played it (and the campaign itself is about 6-8 hrs long), so in the period after the campaign I couldn't even know the multiplayer wouldn't work. Now I have a broken game which I cannot play properly and for which I cannot get a refund. So frustrating.
@Monad87This just sound like a scam. EA gives faulty games to Steam to sell them, and when you finish the singleplayer and find out the CORE of the game doesn't's too late.
You contact Steam support to help you with the issue, they redirect to EA, you contact Steam and ask for a refund they say "NO !".
So when it's Steams job to help they aren't interested, but when it's about money they just won't give you.
Who gives refunds to Titanfall 2 Steam users ??? Steam doesn't want to do it even if shown chat logs of EA support and i'm guessing asking EA for refund is pointless since the bulk of the money (from the pruchase) went to Steam.
- 5 years ago
I really wish Respawn would notice this and fix their networking code or whatever could cause this issue because I waited YEARS until this game was actually available to me (because last time I bought a game on Origin, which was Titanfall 1, it couldn't even run at all, but that was an easy fix compared to this) and I wanted to enjoy this game before it inevitably dies in a year. I thought reinstalling the game was the most drastic idea, but what if... I just reinstalled the operating system?
- EA_Kent5 years ago
Community Manager
Reinstalling the OS is something we can hopefully avoid. Since it's working on one PC, but not the other, it still sounds like it could be a network issue of some kind.
Have you tried setting a static IP address for both PCs on the network to see if that makes any difference at all? You can find more details on how to set this up over at the Port Forward website. Let me know if you're still running into the same issues after that./Kent
- 5 years ago
Throwing in my two cents, the game is working for me but my roommate keeps getting the freeze-crashes. Both of our PCs are connected to the same router and network location (Frankfurt), so it's not the network. Validating the game files both through Steam and Origin didn't help.
Edit: We both bought the game through Steam. I bought it during the initial sale, he bought it a few days ago.
- 5 years ago
My two cents as well, I have upgraded my pc twice with different parts since I've gotten the game, had to completely reinstall windows on brand new hard drives, and used external wifi adapters to connect to the 4g network as opposed to the 2.4g network I was previously connected in addition to buying a new router + upgraded our internet plan, I still get disconnected for this issue.
- 5 years ago
Guess what! Installing windows 7 (Windows 10 was just not working in several areas) fixed my issue! I can now play this game without any issues it seems! Of course this is only a few hours of gameplay so maybe I'm wrong but so far this issue hasn't arisen. If I don't get kicked at all by... monday or so, I will know that even though it's drastic, reinstalling your operating system or getting windows 7, one of those, works. If people get to this point maybe it'll help them too!
- EA_Kent5 years ago
Community Manager
Thanks for letting me know it helped! I know that reinstalling Windows can be a bit of an ordeal, so it's good to hear that it fixed the issue for you. 👍
- 5 years ago
Hi all, now I can play the game normally. I actually replaced almost all PC components with newer ones (I didn't do that because of this game) so now I don't have any issues with the Titanfall 2.
- 5 years ago
Well since it works for you then maybe it was a computer hardware issue that caused these problems?
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