OK, EA Bastian, here is what I did.
Popped in a new HD. Clean, reformatted 60 gb. Started from scratch with everything. Removed any other components withing a 3ft radius. Put in Titanfall, downloaded update. It began "optimizing hd content." Changed options to 30hz. Started training, did not complete training. Played 2 games with no issue. Shut down.
Restarted, it did not say it was optimizing hd content for the first time ever. Hooray! Played 2 games, no problem. Shut down.
Restarted, it did not say it was optimizing hd content. 1/2 way through 1st game, everything went wonky and textures broke down. Shut down.
Restarted, it now said it was optimizing hd content, 1/2 way though the 1st game, everything broke down. Then I broke down, weeping uncontrollably.
I couldn't have started any cleaner. I really hoped it would have fixed it, but it didn't. I'm at a total loss now. Any ideas?
Here are some YouTube vids to show you: