Forum Discussion
Okay so I reinstalled origin and then I ran it again same problem, it says I have to be online. well my internet is working perfectly fine. I tried to reset my windows 8 lap top and it let me log in but then when I went to play the game it kicked me off and logged me out. If I doesn't start working I'm going to give up and uninstalling it and going to the store and taking these games back. I'm really good at computers and everything but I just cant seem to figure this one little thing. What's wrong with it? Why isn't it working anymore?
It's probably something simple like using a poor browser. Chrome is pretty useless on EA's websites. I suggest going to Help Center and connecting with a Game Adviser to settle it.
- Anonymous10 years ago
There is no eMAIL gateway for replies from Answer HQ. You must return here to read your answers, and my suggestion was to seek the official tech support. Did you read the responses?
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Solved2 days ago